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时间:2017-03-17 13:10来源:毕业论文

摘  要:古诗词是我国特有的一种文体,是中国人特有的表达情感方式。在诗词创作中,古人非常注重运用意境美来抒情达意,让读者获得无穷美的享受的同时,也体会到其中的思想感情。本文研究了古诗词意境美对新闻美感的影响,通过列举实例论证、逻辑推理等方法,从古诗词意境美与新闻美感各自的本质开始入手,发现古诗词意境美可以使新闻更加具体形象,可以使新闻更加精炼,使新闻情感更加含蓄、曲折。并得出四条运用古诗词意境美来增加新闻美感的方法。即:直接运用古诗词,反用古诗词,化用古诗词以及借用古诗词构筑意境美手法构筑新闻。同时提出在运用古诗词意境美时,需要注意三点问题:保证新闻的真实性,保证新闻的准确性和保证新闻语言的通俗性。使之既符合新闻的本质和规律,同时又能增加新闻的美感。6602
关键词:古诗词 ;意境美;新闻;美感

A Brief Analysis of Impact the Artistic Conception Beauty of Ancient Poetry has on the Aesthetic Perception of the News
  Abstract:Ancient poetry is an exclusive literary form and expression of emotion in China. In poetry writing, the ancients attached great importance to the expression of feelings through the beauty of artistic conception, allowing readers to enjoy the infinite beauty as well as to appreciate the thoughts and feelings. This paper studied the influence of the beauty of artistic conception on news aesthetics in the ancient poetry. Through the way of demonstration by example and logical reasoning, to start with the essence of the beauty of artistic conception and the news aesthetics in ancient poetry and to find the beauty of artistic conception can increase the image, specific sense on the news aesthetics, which can make the news more refined, make the news more subtle emotional twists and turns. Through the analysis of a large number of typical examples, four ways to increase the news aesthetics by the beauty of artistic conception in the ancient poetry can be drawn. Namely: the direct use of ancient poetry, anti-use of ancient poetry, transfer-use ancient poetry, and borrow ancient poems to formulate artistic conception beauty techniques to build news aesthetics. At the same time, this study put forward three points need to be paid attention to when applying the beauty of artistic conception: to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the news reports, and to ensure the popularity of the language. It could make it consistent with the nature and law of the news and to increase the beauty of the news as well.
  Key Words:ancient poetry;artistic conception beauty;News;aesthetic perception

摘  要    1
Abstract    2
一、古诗词意境美和新闻美感的内涵    2
二、古诗词意境美对新闻美感的影响    3
(一)使新闻更加具体形象    3
(二)使新闻更加精准凝炼    3
(三)使情感更加含蓄曲折    4
三、如何将古诗词意境美运用于新闻作品中去    5
(一)直接运用古诗词    5
(二)反用古诗词    6
(三)化用古诗词    6
(四)借用古诗词意境美手法构筑新闻    7
四、古诗词意境美运用于新闻美感中应注意的问题    8
(一)保证新闻的真实性    9
(二)保证新闻的准确性    9
(三)保证新闻语言的通俗性    9
参考文献    11
古诗词,是中国华夏几千年流传至今的历史瑰宝。其构造出的意境,或澎湃;或婉约;或富丽堂皇;或清幽雅致。都如一幅幅动感十足的画卷,给人留下美的享受。而新闻也不仅仅只是作为传播信息的一种文体工具,它同样需要在传递真实信息的过程中,带给人以美的享受。当我们在翻看古代诗词歌赋,体会着其中的优美意境时,我们不难发现,古诗词同新闻有着异曲同工之妙。如唐朝诗人卢纶的一首《塞下曲》 :“月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。”寥寥数字就将在一个月黑风高、寒雪飘飘的夜晚,将军轻装骑兵追击逃跑敌人的紧张战争事实,摆在读者的面前,而新闻美感同样需要这种效果。可见,运用古诗词的意境美来增加新闻美感,是一个值得深入研究的课题。 浅析古诗词意境美对新闻美感的影响:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_4207.html