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时间:2019-07-20 15:05来源:毕业论文

摘 要   本项目中的“白天鹅”就是生态、纯净、理性、有品质的恋爱观。白天鹅大家都熟知,洁白的羽色,优美的形态,叫声动听,行为忠诚。因此人们常常把白天鹅作为纯洁、忠贞的象征。白天鹅也是最忠诚的伴侣,一生只有一个伴侣,所以白天鹅被视为忠诚和永恒爱情的象征,本项目以白天鹅来象征原生态的爱情。这里的原生态的爱情观指纯净、自然,没有太多杂质发自人内心的爱情。 在这追求“钱途”、“自由” 、“享乐”和“自我”的年代,人的欲望越来越多,而恋爱动机也越来越混杂。大学生心智不成熟,充斥着浮躁,容易受到身边这种氛围的影响,攀比成风、欲望泛滥导致大学生爱情观扭曲。一部分大学生认为恋爱是人生必须经历的过程,还有很多人是为了填补内心的空虚或是受到周围同学的影响而谈恋爱,觉得“没有恋爱的大学是不完整的”。而这些不理性的恋爱动机使得大学校园里的恋爱充满了太多的不稳定的因素。本项目分析了造成这种现象的原因,制定一系列的公益广告传播策略,前期以线下的活动为主铺垫造势,接着开展线上活动与宣传对象保持互动,并以参加前期活动的人员为基础,呼吁更多的人参与进来。在创意表现方面将“白天鹅”象征的纯粹爱情视觉反差化,运用一系列讽刺性插画揭露当下一些扭曲的爱情价值观,通过这种视觉语言来传达本项目的核心概念,最终帮助大学生树立正确的恋爱观。   37218
Summary  The project "White Swan" is the ecological, pure, rational, quality comes to love. White Swan we are all familiar, white plumage, beautiful shape, sounds appealing, behavioral loyalty. So people often pure white swans as a symbol of loyalty. The White Swan is the most loyal companion, life is only a companion, so white swans as a symbol of loyalty and eternal love, the project to white swan to symbolize the original ecology of love. Here's the original ecological concept of love refers to the pure, natural, not too many impurities love. In this pursuit of "Money", "freedom", "pleasure" and "self", and more and more people desire, and love getting mixed motives. Students mentally immature, filled with impetuous, vulnerable side of this atmosphere, the comparisons become a trend, the desire to spread distorted view of love these students. Some students think that love is a process to go through life, there are many people in order to fill an inner void or affected students around and fall in love, that "there is no love in college is not complete." These irrational love motive makes the university campus is full of love too much instability. The project analyzes the reasons for this phenomenon, to develop a series of public service ads dissemination strategy, pre-activity-based bedding offline campaign, then carry out online activities and its objects remain interactive, and to participate in activities leading staff foundation, called for more people to get involved. In terms of creative expression to the "White Swan" symbol of pure love of visual contrast, the use of a series of satirical illustration expose the current values of some twisted love, through this visual language to convey the core concepts of the project, and ultimately help students to establish the correct love here.  
Key words: White Swan original ecological concept of    love
(二)毕业设计目标7 “白天鹅”公益广告创意设计与推广:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_35937.html