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时间:2019-07-12 21:15来源:毕业论文

摘  要:近几年的“翻拍热”吸引着国内越来越多的投资方对以经典为对象的翻拍剧趋之若鹜,新兴市场的出现也使投资方纷纷把目光投向国外,国外影视剧被大量反拍就不足为其,有些翻拍剧虽然收视率节节攀升,但也备受争议。翻拍作为一种社会现象,是艺术创作的一种手段,这种行为本身没有对错之分,对于翻拍剧我们应该抱着开放和宽容的态度对待。翻拍剧虽然存在诸多问题,但无论是其内容还是表现形式都有不断进步的空间,作为影视业的重要组成部分,翻拍剧对影视业的发展具有重要意义。通过运用文本研究法、归纳法和对比法发现,目前我国翻拍剧市场存在着过度商业化、题材单一、同质低质、缺乏原创力等问题,为推动翻拍剧的精品化制作,针对性地提出了对翻拍剧要良性宣传、创新题材、遵循原著精神、培养编剧人才和改革相关审查制度的建议和对策。36939
Research on the Phenomenon of Chinese Television Plays' Remake
Abstract: In recent years, the "rescreens the heat" to attract more and more domestic investors to classical object rescreens the play in droves, emerging markets also make investors have set their sights on foreign, foreign films and TV dramas are a backhand is inadequate for its, some rescreens the play while the ratings steadily climbing, but is also the most controversial. Remake as a kind of social phenomenon, is a means of artistic creation, this kind of behavior itself is not right or wrong, for rescreens the play we should hold open and tolerant attitude towards. Rescreens the play, although there are many problems, but whether it is the content or forms are continuous progress of space, as an important part of the film and television industry, rescreens the play of film and television industry's development has important significance. By using the method of textual research, inductive method and comparative method that at present our country turn filming market has problems of excessive commercialization, a single theme, homogeneous low quality, lack of originality, in order to promote the quality of rescreens the play made to put forward to positive propaganda, the theme of innovation, follow the original spirit, proposals and Countermeasures on how to raise the writers of talent and reform of censorship.
Key Words: The remake of the drama; Originality; Screenwriter talent; System reform
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、中国翻拍剧概况    2
(一)“翻拍”的概念    2
(二)中国翻拍剧现状    3
二、中国翻拍剧存在的原因    4
(一)适应不同时代的需要    4
(二)影视业发展的重要支撑    4
(三)翻拍原因的经济学视角分析    5
三、中国翻拍剧存在的问题    6
(一)过度的商业炒作    6
(二)题材选择过于单一    6
(三)同质低质、良莠不齐    7
(四)过度商业化,背离原著精神    7
(五)翻拍剧“啃老”,缺乏原创力    7
(优尔)翻拍国外剧生搬硬套、尴尬嫁接    8
四、中国翻拍剧精品化发展的建议和对策    8
(一)对翻拍剧良性宣传    8
(二)寻求题材的多元化创新    8
(三)坚守品质,避免低俗化    9
(四)遵循原著精神,适当创新    9
(五)提高编剧地位,增强原创力    9 中国电视剧翻拍现象研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_35615.html