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时间:2017-02-09 11:12来源:毕业论文


Analysis of moral disorder of new media
    Abstract:This paper focuses on different understanding of the Chinese and foreign media, analyzing the connotation and extension of new media, and expressing the definition of new media. This paper firstly points out that the main features of new media different from traditional media are popularity, universality, and interactivity. And a new pattern is eventually formed where everyone is the audience and everyone is the communicator. Then, this paper starts with the phenomenon of new media ethics anomie, detects that there is a technology control slack of new media, and the media person who have the Chinese traditional morality and conception pathologically spreads information, and explores the causes of the phenomenon such as varying degrees of fictitious information, serious violation of personal privacy, decline in the standard of ethical and moral anomie in society. Finally, this paper appeals for reconstruction of media people’s basic social ethical standards, establishing and improving laws and regulations in new media age to ensure the orderly and healthy development of new media, and media people insist on correct guidance of public opinion, normal transmission, release of positive energy, and work for the realization of China Dream.
    Key  Words:new media;moral ethics;anomie;reconstruct
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、新媒体概述    2
(一)新媒体的内涵    2
(二)新媒体的特征    3
二、新媒体道德伦理失范的表现    3
(一)制造虚假信息    4
(二)侵犯个人隐私权    5
(三)低俗、媚俗化倾向严重    5
三、新媒体道德伦理失范的原因    5
(一)新媒体的传播特点是诱因    6
(二)传播人的道德伦理标准降低    6
(三)缺乏有效的法律约束    7
四、完善新媒体道德伦理的途径    7
(一)构建新媒体时代的基本道德底线    8
(二)强化传播人的社会责任意识    8
(三)建立健全新媒体时代相关法律法规    9
参考文献    10
随着新媒体的迅速发展,在全球一体化的相互渗透下,社会环境逐渐被互联网环境所取代,新媒体时代的到来,实现了多层次、全方位的经济、空间的交换,在审美标准、生活方式、自由化、知识化的全球化传媒环境中,持有中国传统的道德和伦理观念的传媒人感到无所适从。尤其是我国对传媒新技术管制懈怠等结构性原因,传媒人或者集体迷失,一时享乐主义、拜金主义甚嚣直上,甚至出现虚构信息、严重侵犯个人隐私、道德水准下降等失范行为。由此,为保证新媒体有序、健康的发展,坚持正确的舆论导向,释放正能量,如何建立健全新媒体时代的法律法规保障体系;如何重建新媒体时代的社会主义道德伦理架构,建立与新传媒相适应的道德伦理观,加强传媒人的社会责任感、使命感,保证新传媒的健康有序的发展已迫在眉睫。 浅析新媒体的道德伦理失范:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_2710.html