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时间:2017-02-04 16:29来源:毕业论文

Analysis of China’s Tv entertainment phenomenon of the homogeneous
Abstract:As one of the most influential types of television programs, television entertainment program gets more and more people's attention. However, some entertainment programs are moving toward the position of plagiarism, imitation, and vulgarization, and this result the problems such as Chinese television entertainment program lacking innovation, the serious phenomenon of cloning, waste of information resources, and misleading the audience. The homogeneity problem is also very serious. This paper explores the reason of homogeneous phenomenon in Chinese television entertainment programs from profit-driven, characteristics of the media, role of the market and the program innovation based on homogenization etc. While pointing out the existent homogenization problem in Chinese television entertainment programs, this paper proposes creating professional talent development scheme, applying brand strategy, learning strategy, and local characteristics strategy for television entertainment programs in the context of a new era. Finally this paper points out that Chinese television entertainment programs should develop toward the direction of branding, quality, and interactive type.
Key words: Television entertainment programs;Homogenization;Brand;
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、中国电视娱乐节目现状和同质化倾向的特点    2
(一)我国电视娱乐节目的现状    2
(二)中国电视娱乐节目同质化倾向的特点    4
二、我国电视娱乐节目的同质化问题    5
(一)缺乏创新,节目克隆现象严重    5
(二)资源的浪费    5
(三)错误引导受众    6
三、电视娱乐节目同质化现象的成因    6
(一)利益驱动    6
(二)媒介特性    7
(三)市场作用    7
(四)是创新的基础    8
四、电视娱乐节目同质化的解决对策    8
(一)建立专业人才培养机制    8
(二)品牌化战略    9
(三)借鉴、学习策略    10
(四)本土特色化战略    10
五、对电视娱乐节目未来走向的思考    11
参考文献    13
    电视娱乐节目发展迅速的今天,电视娱乐节目的太多相似性总是让我们在观看的同时感慨不已。节目的雷同性有增无减,观众的指责声此起彼伏,国际国内传媒产业间的激烈竞争等使得我国电视娱乐节目在发展的同时也面临着不少的问题。市场经济下,优胜劣汰,适者生存的规则使得传媒生产者在进行产品生产的过程中更多的把追求经济利益的最大化摆在了首位。节目的同质化发展就如此愈演愈烈,也成为目前我国电视娱乐产业最显著的一个问题。 浅析中国电视娱乐节目的同质化现象:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_2505.html