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时间:2017-01-16 09:48来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着Web2.0时代的全面到来,单纯的电视节目已经远远不能满足广大网民日益增长的娱乐需求,因此网络节目应运而生。在电视“限娱令”的背景下,本身就受到年轻人关注与喜爱的互联网因此获得了更大的发展空间与机遇,国内视频网站行业顺势在自制节目领域持续发力。本论文以国内有代表性的视频网站的自制节目为研究对象,运用归类总结法来研究中国视频网站自制节目的内容和特征,得出网络节目草根性、个性化和互动性的特色及视频网站自制节目普遍存在的问题,并从不同角度提出一些解决问题的建议。
The Analysis of the Content and Feature of Homemade
Program on the Video Website under the Limited Order
Abstract: with the comprehensive advent of Web2.0 era, the mere TV programs can no longer meet the increasing entertainment demands of the massive net-citizens. Hence, the network programs come into being. Under the context of “cutback on TV entertainment”, the Internet which has been concerned and favored by young people obtains more development space and opportunities. The domestic video website industry grasp the chance and continues promoting development in homemade program field. Taking the domestic typical homemade programs in the video websites as the research object, this paper adopts summary method to study the contents and characteristics of homemade programs in Chinese video websites and finds the general problems in network programs which is featured with grass root, inpiduation and interactivity as well as in the homemade programs of the video websites. Furthermore, it also puts forward some coping strategies from different angles.  
Key Words: “cutback on TV entertainment”, homemade network programs; video websites; grass root
目        录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、视频网站自制节目背景及现状    2
(一)视频网站自制节目发展背景    2
(二)视频网站自制节目发展现状    3
二、“限娱令”背景下的视频网站自制节目内容分析    3
(一)新闻类自制节目内容分析    4
(二)访谈类自制节目内容分析    5
(三)综艺类自制节目内容分析    6
三、“限娱令”背景下的视频网站自制节目特征分析    7
(一)草根性:网络节目的姿态定位    7
(二)个性化:网络节目的风格定位    7
(三)互动性:网络节目的生存法宝    8
四、视频网站自制节目存在的问题及解决措施    8
(一)我国视频网站自制节目存在的问题    8
(二)我国视频网站自制节目存在问题的解决措施    9
参考文献    11
一、    视频网站自制节目背景及现状
虽然大量资金不断流向视频网站,但因为高的特许权版权费和盈利模式单一,即使较为知名的视频网站也难以盈利。比如优酷网自建立以来年年亏损,在经历5轮融资后,又开始向海外扩张的资本市场谋求生存。由于内容为王是媒体一贯的要求,于是,许多视频网站纷纷打响原创出品的口号,希望凭借自制节目在激烈的竞争处于有利地位。 “限娱令”背景下的视频网站自制节目内容和特征分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_2272.html