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时间:2018-07-19 21:05来源:毕业论文

摘要自从2012年开始,国内涌现了大量的大型的真人秀节目。例如《中国好声音》、《我是歌手》、《爸爸去哪儿》等节目。随后出现了此类节目的第一季、第二季、第三季。在以往的选秀节目中,只有第一季的收视效果好,而后续播出的续季的收视效果却不如人意。但是如《中国好声音》却能一直的吸引人们眼球。 2012年7月13日,浙江卫视正式开播《中国好声音》第一季。针对《中国好声音》开播三季以来深受观众的喜爱的情况,本文试图分析《中国好声音》的整合营销。本文围绕着《中国好声音》的整合营销分析这一论题展开分析和论述:先是对《中国好声音》现有的研究现状以及用到的进行概述,然后分析了《中国好声音》的投放环境,即在节目中植入的品牌种类分析以及植入的形式分析,并对所产生的效果进行了分析。最后从节目开播三季以来受众的心理分析,即从求新心理、求真心理、参与心理分析。 最后从分析中得出,《中国好声音》如此受观众喜爱是因为其节目模式创新,抓住了受众的心理,充分的利用新媒体的资源来进行互动与宣传,而且在节目中品牌植入也对此节目的成功传播起到了至关重要的作用。 25887
Title    " The Voice of China," the integrated marketing analysis  
Since 2012, the emergence of a number of large domestic reality show. For example, "Chinese
good sound," "I Am a Singer," "Where is the father" and other programs. Then came the first
quarter of such programs, in the second quarter, the third quarter. In the past, talent show, only
good television ratings in the first quarter, and the subsequent broadcast of the television ratings
continued quarter is not satisfactory. However, as "China good voice" has been able to attract
people's attention.
July 13, 2012, Zhejiang TV officially launched "China good voice" in  the first quarter. For the
case of "Chinese good voice" since its launch three quarters of the favorite of the audience, this
paper attempts to analyze "Chinese good sound," the integrated marketing. This paper focuses
on the "Chinese good voice" integrated marketing analysis to analyze and discuss this topic:
First, the existing Research "Chinese good sound," and used in an overview, and then analyzed
the "China good voice" into the environment that kind of analysis and form brand implanted in
the program implantation analysis, and the resulting effect is analyzed. Psychoanalysis audience
last three quarters since the program launch, from novelty psychological, realistic and
psychological, to participate in psychological analysis.
We came to the conclusion  from the analysis, "China good voice" so loved by the audience
because of its programming model innovation, to seize the audience's psychology, the full use
of new media resources to interact with publicity, and product placement in the program also
successfully propagated this program played a crucial role.
Keywords: Talent show, The Voice of China, integrated marketing
目   次
摘要  ..  1
Abstract  .  1
1 绪论    5
1.1  研究背景及意义  .. 5
1.1.1研究背景  .  5
1.1.2  研究意义  ..  5
1.2   国内外研究综述   5
1.2.1 国内研究现状  ..  5
1.2.2  国外研究现状  .  6
1.3 研究内容与研究方法  . 6
1.3.1  研究内容  ..  6
1.3.2  研究方法  ..  7 《中国好声音》的整合营销分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_19873.html