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时间:2023-11-18 09:55来源:毕业论文



ABSTRACT: The study of attitude has always been an important issue in the field of social psychology。 Before 1990s, the majority of researchers usually measure the attitude of an inpidual to a certain thing。 However, with the development of research, many studies have confirmed that the same thing may exist two kinds of opposite attitudes at the same time。 With the development and progress of society, plastic surgery, A special group gradually began to attract public attention。 Therefore, from the perspective of ambivalence, article study the College Students' attitude towards the plastic surgery。 This article makes a research on the college students of different genders in the positive and negative dimensions of the perception index and reaction time by using the GO/NOGO。 Research shows: First, the difference of reaction time between male college students and female college students is mainly reflected in the positive dimension。 Second, the contradictory attitude will have an impact on information processing。 In male students, the inpidual's response to plastic surgery was faster than that of female students。 Third, on the issue of cosmetic treatment, the male subjects were more positive than the female subjects。

Key words: cosmetic surgery, ambivalence, college students, GO/NOGO



1文献综述 7

1。1矛盾态度 7

1。2 整容 8

2问题提出及研究假设 9

2。1问题的提出 9

2。1。1以往研究的不足 9

2。1。2问题提出 9

2。2研究假设 9

2。3研究意义 10

3实验研究 10

3。1男性、女性被试对整容态度的研究 10

3。1。1研究目的 10

3。1。2研究方法 11

3。1。2。1被试 11

3。1。2。2实验材料 11

3。1。3实验仪器 13

3。1。4实验程序 13

3。1。5数据处理 13

3。1。5。1信号类别词的源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 感受性指标 13

3。1。5。2信号类别词的反应时 大学生对整容事件的内隐态度:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_198675.html
