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时间:2018-06-28 10:54来源:毕业论文

The Research of Our Entertainment "Cloning" Phenomenon in  Current
    Abstract:With the integration of the world economic and cultural exchange, TV entertainment programs, excellent foreign are we imitate and learn. In the process of entertainment "cloning", also caused a series of problems of program content, pan entertainment, vulgarization of culture absence, these are the need to pay particular attention to the development of China's television program. This paper adopts literature research, case analysis and other methods, analyses the reasons of problems of entertainment "cloning" in the process of. To find missing, innovation consciousness mimicking the low cost and the blind pursuit of ratings is "the main reason for frequent problems in the process of cloning. This subject is from the status quo of entertainment "cloning" development as the starting point, dialectical treat entertainment "cloning" phenomenon. And put forward reasonable suggestions for the "cloning" problem in the process of. From the advocacy program innovation, enhance the cultural connotation, pay attention to social benefits and other proposed strategies  
in three aspects, the healthy development of hope that the above measures can promote China's entertainment.
   Key Words:entertainment;cloning;innovation consciousness; cultural connotation
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、克隆化概念的界定及发展历程    2
(一)克隆化节目的概念    2
(二)克隆化节目的发展历程    3
二、娱乐节目克隆化发展的现状    4
(一)娱乐节目在克隆化过程中的成功    4
(二)娱乐节目在克隆化过程中的问题    5
三、娱乐节目克隆化过程中存在问题的原因    7
(一)创新意识不强    7
(二)复制模仿成本低    8
(三)盲目追求收视率    9
四、对娱乐节目克隆化发展的建议    9
(一)提倡节目创新    9
(二)提高文化内涵    10
(三)重视社会效益    11
参考文献    12
 在当今世界多元化发展的趋势下,电视节目的克隆化现象层出不穷,目前国内的电视娱乐节目,克隆化现象已经发展成为一种趋势。克隆化现象促进了电视节目形态的多元化发展,同时克隆化问题也是我国电视娱乐节目发展中一个突出的障碍性问题。虽然克隆外国电视娱乐节目,加快了我国电视娱乐节目发展步伐,但是由于缺少创新,也给我国娱乐节目的健康发展带来了许多困扰,所以,对娱乐节目克隆化现象的研究具有一定的现实意义。从另一方面来说,如今的电视节目更多的是注重商业化发展,忽略了受众本身的精神需求,越来越多的克隆化节目充斥着人们的视野,出现了很多盲目模仿的电视节目,严重违背了克隆化节目发展的初衷,因此从辩证的角度分析和看待克隆化发展的现状对整个电视节目形态的发展也起到了促进和监督作用,具有重要的理论指导意义。 当前我国娱乐节目“克隆化”现象探究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_18399.html