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时间:2016-12-25 13:00来源:毕业论文

摘  要:上世纪90年代后期,电视剧制作者创新性的在剧中融入“青春”、“励志”等元素,获得了极大的成功,这其中以赵宝刚导演的“青春三部曲”最为著名。笔者通过对《奋斗》、《我的青春谁做主》和《北京青年》这三部青春励志剧进行研究,从主题内容、人物塑造、情节冲突、场景及语言风格等方面入手探究青春励志剧的创作模式。并针对青春励志剧中所存在的内容虚假化、人物理想化、情节同质化、语言单一化等问题,提出寻找与受众和现实生活的契合点、注重塑造平民化的人物形象、设置合理化的情节冲突、融入多元化的语言风格、超越单一化的艺术结构等与之相对应的解决办法。目前,关于青春励志剧创作模式的研究还比较少,因此笔者对其进行分析研究还是很有必要的,希望会对青春励志剧以后的创作、发展、创新和突破具有一些参考作用。4745

Analysis of the Inspirational Youth Drama Creation Mode
-------As an Example for "Youth Trilogy"
Abstract: The late 90s of last century, producers of innovative drama in the drama into the ‘youth’, ‘inspirational’and other elements, it was gained great success, which the director Zhao Baogang "Youth Trilogy" is the most famous. The author through study the ‘struggle’ ‘My youth who call the shots’ and ‘the Beijing Youth’ three inspirational youth dramas. In terms of subject contents, characterization, plot design, scenarios and language style, in-depth inquiry inspirational youth drama creation mode. And against inspirational youth drama that exists for the content falsified, idealized characters, plot homogeneity, language simplification and other issues. Put forward find and audiences and made real life meeting point, focusing on shaping the civilian population of the characters, the plot is set to rationalize the conflict, into a persified language style, beyond a single structure of the arts with the corresponding solutions. Currently, inspirational youth drama about the creation of model research is still relatively small, so the author analyze research is still very necessary, it will be inspirational youth drama after the creation, development, innovation and breakthroughs have some reference.
Key Words: inspirational youth drama;creative mode;‘struggle’;‘my youth who call the shots’;‘the beijing youth’
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、青春励志剧概述    2
(一)青春励志剧的兴起    2
(二)青春励志剧的特点    3
二、青春励志剧的创作模式分析    3
(一)主题与内容的励志性    4
(二)人物塑造的导师化    4
(三)情节冲突的多样化    5
(四)场景及语言风格的时尚化    6
三、青春励志剧创作中现存问题分析    6
(一)主题内容的虚假化    6
(二)人物塑造的理想化    7
(三)情节设计的同质化    7
(四)语言风格的单一化    8
四、青春励志剧创作模式的创新与突破    9
(一)寻找与受众和现实生活的契合点    9
(二)注重塑造平民化的人物形象    9
(三)设置合理化的情节冲突    10
(四)融入多元化的语言风格    10
(五)超越单一化的艺术结构    11 浅析青春励志剧的创作模式以“青春三部曲”为例:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_1532.html