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时间:2023-06-08 21:32来源:毕业论文

浙江省高中新学考物理试题特点的研究 A study on the characteristics of physics test questions in New National Higher Education Entrance Examination in Zhejiang province

摘 要通过分析过去三次学考的物理试卷,我们不难发现无论从考试内容的划分还是考试题型的设计都与之前的而考试发生了不小的变化。就我个人来看对于学考的学生来说,最重要的是让学生用所学的物理知识用于解决跟日常生活相关的物理问题,即能根据现实情境,建立简单模型,且能对应所学知识。教学中尽量给出具体情境,让学生自己分析,尤其是运动方面的题,学生能根据给出的情境条件,判断物体具体做怎样的运动。而对于选考学生来说重点应该加强他们的分析综合能力。之前得出多选题和实验题相较之前会变简单,而计算题则相对变难。其实难易很难判别,之前的压轴题难在多解,或者磁场的周期性变化等,对磁场电场知识的加深考察。而现在的考试周期性变化,多解等难点都不太涉及,而难点主要在结合的知识更多。如果说之前的难点实在分类讨论数学运算上,现在的难点实在要求学生吧一个复杂问题分解成若干个简单问题,找到关键和联系点。所以对于选考学生而言还应重点加强学生的分析综合能力。89003



By analyzing the recent three physics tests in New National Higher Education Entrance Examination, we can easily find that there is a big change in both pision of the exam content and the design of the examination questions。 For my perspective, the most important things for new examinee is the ability to solve daily physics problem with physics knowledge and measures, which means to establish a simple ideal model based on the actual situation, corresponding to the learned knowledge。 To achieve the goal of enhancing students’ ability of comprehensive analysis, in the process of teaching, as teachers, we should give specific circumstances to facilitate students to analyze by their own, especially the problems about motion which need students to figure out the specific change in position of an object with respect to time and its reference point。 According to the research, multiple-choice questions and experimental problems are getting easy yearly, oppositely, the calculation questions are becoming difficult。 However, it is not a proper way to define the change of new physics test by simply determine the level of difficulty。 The previous difficulty is multi-solution of one question or the depth of a single point of knowledge and now it focuses on the comprehensive knowledge utilization。 Thus, enhancement of students’ ability of comprehensive analysis which requires the student to break down a complex problem into numerous simple questions is the core of future education。



Keywords: high school physics, test description, academic level test, reform of National Higher Education Entrance Examination
















1研究背景 4

2 试卷选择题分析 4

2。1单选题 4

2。2 多选题 8

2。3 选择题中考试要求的体现 10 浙江省高中新学考物理试题特点的研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_174792.html
