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时间:2023-10-04 11:36来源:毕业论文

摘    要




Robert Morrison was the first British protestant missionaries in China。 His coming to China is the beginning of that Christianity has been introduced into China for the fourth time; also it is the symbol of that Protestantism was introduced into China for the first time, which lays a profound impact on its foundation, spread and development in China。 But it was during the China's prohibition period in China when Morrison came, it is not hard to imagine the difficulties and resistance of the missionary work in mainland China。 There is no doubt that his missionary work has indeed achieved some success during his 25 years in China and Chinese Christianity had a certain impact。 Therefore, the author discusses the relationship between Morrison's missionary work and Christianization in China in this article, and explores his effect of Christianity into China。

毕业论文关键词:马礼逊   基督教  中国化 

Keyword: Morrison;Christianity;The Chinese Transformation 

目    录

绪论 4

一、何谓“基督教中国化” 6

二、新教来华背景 8

(一)基督教传入之源流 8

(二)新教来华之困难 9

三、马礼逊为基督教中国化所做工作 10

(一)为传教事业打开大门 10

(二)传教工作主要成就 11

1、《圣经》翻译 11

2、《华英字典》编纂 13

(三)为中国化奠定基础 14

1、马六甲——基地传教 14

2、英华书院——教育传教 15

3、创办报刊——文字传教 16

四、马礼逊在华工作影响 18

(一)多重身份的马礼逊 18

(二)在华事工的成果 19

结语 20

参考文献 22

附录 24

1、马礼逊生平大事年表 24

2、来华新教传教士名录 27

致谢 29


罗伯特·马礼逊(Robert Morrison 1782年1月5日——1834年8月1日)是19世纪初伦敦传教会 派遣来华的第一位传教士。他人生约一半的时间留在了中国,在华翻译《圣经》、出版字典、编纂宗教刊物、建立传教使团等等,为传教工作在中国的开展做了一系列准备,为基督教传入中国打开了出口,为基督教的中国化奠定了基石。 基督教中国化视域下的马礼逊:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_196908.html
