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时间:2019-04-27 21:06来源:毕业论文

摘  要:中国古代戏剧作品《西厢记》和《牡丹亭》同属名家名篇,同为反映男女自由恋爱的作品。这两部作品塑造了崔莺莺和杜丽娘这两个女性形象,她们冲破封建礼教的束缚,敢于追求自己的爱情和幸福,敢于向传统的礼教发出冲击,成为文学长廊中伟大的女性形象。首先概括性介绍了两部作品的主要内容和两个主要人物的形象,指出了本文的研究意义;其次分别从相同和不同两个角度对两个人物进行了比较研究;其三,从社会背景、家庭处境、年龄特征等五个方面深入挖掘人物形象差异产生的原因;其四,对两部作品尤其是两个人物形象对后世的影响进行了分析;其五,对全文进行了简要总结。35008
Cui Yingying compared with du liniang characters
Abstract:The ancient Chinese drama the west chamber and the peony pavilion are famous masterpiece, as a portrayal of men and women free love. This two works shaped Cui Yingying and du liniang these two female images, They break the bondage of feudal ethical code, dare to pursue their own love and happiness, and dare to impact to the traditional moral codes, be a great female image in literary gallery. Based on this the paper Cui Yingying and du liniang character image comparison, the full text was pided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, summarized the main content of the two works are introduced, and the image of the two main characters, and points out the significance of this article; The second part is the main part of the full text, from the angles of the same and different research on two characters were compared; The third part analyzes the reason for the ifference between the two characters, respectively from the social background, family situation, five aspects such as the age characteristics of mining; The fourth part of the two works, especially the two character image analyses the impact of future generations, is the sublimation part; The fifth part, the full text is summarized. Hope that this paper's point of view of literature research have certain enlightenment function.
Key words:Cui Yingying; Du Liniang
目        录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
绪论    1
一、崔莺莺与杜丽娘人物异同    3
(一)崔杜形象之同    3
(二)崔杜形象之异    5
二、崔莺莺与杜丽娘人物差异原因探析    7
三、二者对后世文学的影响    9
总结    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
元代王实甫的《西厢记》中,崔莺莺和张生的爱情故事在王实甫的笔下动人心魄,尤其是崔莺莺欲迎还拒的惺惺作态,以及她身为旧相国千金的无奈和悲哀。红娘的帮助使得他们克服困难,有个完美结局。在全剧中,一共有五个部分。故事情节曲折,回环婉转,得到后世人们的认可。《西厢记》不但以大团圆的爱情故事引人入胜,其词采的华美也令人美不胜收。崔莺莺出身于大户官宦之家,日常在老妇人的要求下谨守大家闺秀的规矩,不敢行错半步。后来相国病故,她和老妇人一起扶灵柩回乡,途中遇阻在普救寺安身,巧遇张生,才有了这段“西厢”爱情。在莺莺温驯矜持外表下的魄力和勇气是她爱情收获的根本原因,是人物身上最大的看点。 《西厢记》和《牡丹亭》崔莺莺与杜丽娘比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_32748.html