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时间:2021-12-21 16:28来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着现代科学技术的发展,片上系统的应用越来越广泛。例如复杂可编程逻辑器件和现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑器件的应用更是走进了千家万户。其中最为重要的便是对于USB Blaster的应用。相比之下,USB Blaster的下载速度和灵巧度上都远胜于传统的并口、串口下载线。而在体积大小,结构繁简,价格方面,USB Blaster更是略胜一筹。

有数据表明,USB Blaster下载FPGA配置程序的速度是BytelasyerII的六倍。并且USB Blaster运用USB接口模式,能够更好的运用于现在的计算机当中。



ABSTRUCT:System on Chip,including CPLD and FPGA,has been widely used in modern circuits designs。 Compared with the parallel port and serial port download cable, USB blaster has several advantages in download speed and flexibility。And because of simple architecture, it is small and easy to carry。 A lot of designers can afford USB blaster when USB and CPLD chips become much more cheaper。

There are two main parts in hardware。 They are USB controller chip and CPLD device。 USB controller chip transforms the date from the host sent into eight parallel data。Then CPLD transform the date into JTAG timing and sent it to peripherals。 Software main function is that it can transform the USB timing into the JTAG timing。 CPLD use state machine for data transmission 。There are accepting state machine and Sending state machine。They can control that how the data send or receive。

USB blaster is almost six times as fast as Byteblaster II when it download FPGA configuration process。 And because that USB blaster is USB mode, it can better adapt to the development of the computer 。

Keywords : CPLD, USB, Download Cable


1。绪论 5

1。1 本文的目的 5

1。2 下载线的发展 5

2。系统设计 6

2。1 硬件设计 6

2。2 软件设计 7

3。硬件电路设计 8

3。1 电路器件 8

3。2系统硬件设计 11

3。3 PCB版图设计 14

4。软件系统设计 16

4。1系统平台建立 16

4。2 基于VCP的PC机端软件设计 20

4。3 CPLD收发状态机设计 22

4。4 其他方案选择 29

5。系统调试及结果 31

5。1 电路检查 31

5。2 EEPROM烧录 31

5。3 CPLD下载 32

结论 33

致谢 34

参考文献 35

附录 基于CPLD的USB下载线设计+PCB电路图:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_86827.html
