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时间:2024-05-28 22:28来源:95487





Abstract:Underwater robots in the marine field has a wide range of applications, and as the most widely used submersible, underwater cable control robot is one of the hot research in recent years. It plays an important role in many fields such as marine engineering, underwater engineering, water biology, marine geography underwater archeology. Umbilical cable as a hub, is an indispensable part of underwater remote control robot, its normal operation is the underwater robot to complete the task and the successful recovery of the premise and security, so the underwater remote control robot (ROV) umbilical cable research Which is one of the current research hotspots. This paper is pided into two parts: structural design and underwater stress analysis.

In the structural design part, according to the operating environment of ROV, the function of photoelectric umbilical cable and the design requirements of umbilical cord cable, the umbilical cable structure is pided into three modules: power line, cable  unit and jacket layer. In the structural design, the composition and material selection of each module are studied, including the design of conductor cross-section diameter, the design of optical fiber transmission mode and the selection of jacket material and insulating material. And based on Solidworks three-dimensional drawing software, draw the power line, fiber optic cable, foam layer, reinforced parts, and outer jacket layer, make the mechanism diagram.

Under the underwater stress analysis section, the underwater stress analysis of the unit photoelectric umbilical cable was carried out by fluid simulation fluent software, and the influence of different velocity on the force of the unit umbilical cable was simulated. Secondly, the whole umbilical cable was simulated by assuming the function method. ROV is the direct resistance to direct flight, the study of the umbilical cable cable resistance Fx and ROV direct distance X relationship.

Key words: Underwater robots ; photoelectric umbilical cord; structural design; underwater stress analysis;


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2水下遥控机器人ROV的现状与发展 2

1.2.1水下机器人简介 2

1.2.2国内外遥控水下机器人ROV的现状与发展 Solidworks水下遥控机器人ROV光电脐带缆设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204041.html
