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时间:2017-05-25 17:12来源:毕业论文

关键词:室内可见光通信  白光LED   正交频分复用
Title  Visible light communication System based on White LED
Visible light communication is a new wireless optical communication technology and is rose with development of white LED fabrication techniques. White LED devices are used not only for illuminating rooms but also for an optical wireless communication system which is suitable for indoor private networks. It is proposed in the thesis that a receiving and transmitting link for indoor visible light communication system based on white LED lights .
In the thesis, basic studies have been done on voltage to current characteristic and modulation property of white LED when they are used as optical transmitters. Then the configuration and systematic design techniques are concentrated concerning white LED lighting source communication as well as high speed modulation techniques, visible light transceiver circuit. An optical design of lightings layout of the visible light communication system is discussed.
Because of the inherent robustness of OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) against intersymbol interference, OFDM is considered in combination with higher order modulation schemes in the thesis. The relationship of optical power , SNR and BER of the receiver system.Is simulated based on Matlab. In conclusion,the results of computer simulation show that OFDM is good for the Indoor visible light communication systems.
Keywords:Indoor visible light communication   White LED    OFDM
目     次
1 绪论    1
1.1白光LED室内通信系统概述    1
1.2国内外研究现状    3
1.3本文研究主要内容    6
2白光LED可见光通信系统传输链路、收发电路研究    7
2.1室内光传输链路    7
2.2室内可见光发射电路    8
2.3室内可见光接收电路及接收数据分析    10
3 LED结构原理特性及系统灯光布局    14
3.1 LED结构和发光原理    14
3.2 LED的调制特性    16
3.3 灯光布局    17
4 正交频分复用在可见光通信系统中的应用    20
4.1 正交频分复用(OFDM)基本原理    20
4.2 OFDM在室内可见光通信中的Matlab仿真分析    22
5总结和展望    25
5.1 总结    25
5.2 展望    25
致  谢    27
参 考 文 献    28
1 绪论
    现代通信系统主要利用电磁波进行无线或有线通信,在光类无线通信中的应用较少。无线光通信技术与射频无线通信相比.有无需频带申请、造价低等许多优点。白光LED可见光通信系统是光类无线通信系统的一种,是一种的新型光类无线通信系统。 Matlab白光LED可见光通信系统研究仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_7798.html