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时间:2024-05-28 22:23来源:95486





Abstract:As we all known, there is rich in minerals and biological resources in the ocean, in order to defend our maritime rights and interests and achieve our country into a marine power development goals as well as implement the sustainable development strategy actively, it is very important to carry out the research of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and improve its function. Meantime, Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) also has a very high military status. So, in the process of AUV research, it becomes important to design the control system and perfect this system. The control system design occupies the core status in the process of AUV research, the paper will discuss listed segments, including the hardware platform design, monitoring interface display, software programming and other aspects of the AUV surface monitoring system.

First of all, the paper analyzes the development background and significance of AUV, of course which also includes the current research status at home and abroad. Then it reviews the design of AUV monitoring system, including water and underwater. Secondly, according to the function that monitoring requires to achieve it, paper introduces system from two aspects including the hardware and software. Hardware part mainly introduces the console and the surface monitoring of the communication, communication module, including unlimited number of radio, fiber, photoelectric converter and other principles, selection and function to be achieved.

Software part, it uses MFC-based VC++language to program the software, which develops a set of real-time display data and finishes interaction function of the host computer monitoring. Of course, it can achieve AUV real-time data transmission, display image and communicate with parts of the underwater.

Keywords: AUV; control system; communication; VC++


第一章 绪论 1

1.1论文研究背景以及意义 1

1.2AUV水下机器人国内外研究现状及发展趋势 3

1.2.1AUV水下机器人国内外研究现状 3

1.2.2AUV水下机器人发展趋势 6
