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时间:2022-01-18 21:48来源:毕业论文
于无线通信的广播特性,信息在传输过程中容易被拦截和窃听,物理层的安全问题亟待解决。方向调制技术(Directional Modulation, DM)作为一种新兴的物理层传输技术,可以有效提升通信系统

摘要由于无线通信的广播特性,信息在传输过程中容易被拦截和窃听,物理层的安全问题亟待解决。方向调制技术(Directional Modulation, DM)作为一种新兴的物理层传输技术,可以有效提升通信系统的安全性能。论文主要的研究工作如下:


(2)为进一步提高多方向调制的合成性能,设计了基于最大化信泄噪比(Maximum signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio, Max-SLNR)的方向调制合成方法。仿真结果表明:与常规的基于正交投影的DM方案相比,由于Max-SLNR方案综合考虑了接收机噪声的影响,在多用户场景,在期望用户方向能够提供更好的误码性能。77149

毕业论文关键词  方向调制  误码率  安全速率  多波束  大规模MIMO  信泄噪比


Title      Research   on   Basic   Principal   and   Synthesis  technology   of   Directional   Modulation       

Abstract Due to the broadcasting nature of wireless communications, the information is accessible to the eavesdroppers during the transmissions, which needs to be highly addressed。 The directional modulation (DM) technology, as a promising physical layer security technology, can be effectively utilized to ensure the security performance。 The main contents are organized as follows:

(1)  The synthesis procedures of DM systems and its evaluation metrics are investigated。 DM is a transmitter-side technology, which projects digitally encoded information signals onto desired directions and simultaneously distorts the constellation formats of the same signals in all other spatial directions。 The synthesis methods of the DM inter-systems are validated and discussed via the secrecy rate and bit error rate metrics。 The simulations show that the dynamic DM systems outperform the conventional beam-forming arrays and static types by exploiting the enhanced random interferences in undesired directions。

(2)  In order to further improve the performance of directional modulation, the maximum signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio (Max-SLNR) is proposed to implement DM。 It follows from our simulation results that the proposed Max-SLNR scheme can provide a better BER performance along the desired directions compared to the orthogonal projection method in multi-user scenario。

Keywords  DM   BER   Multi-beam   Security Rate   Massive MIMO   SLNR

目   次

1  绪论 3

1。1  物理层安全技术概述 3

1。2  国内外研究现状 4

1。3  论文结构 5

2  方向调制基本原理和度量指标 6

2。1  引言 6

2。2  方向调制的合成技术 6

2。3  方向调制系统的度量指标 15

2。4  本章小结 21

3  多波束方向调制接收机的合成 方向调制基本原理和合成技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_88632.html
