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时间:2022-02-27 17:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:大学生;网球;现状 ; 对策;

The central university for nationalities tennis movement development present situation and analysis

Abstract:Tennis is a very good outdoor sports, it combines technology, strength, speed, endurance, and because of its elegant, gentlemen, interesting movement characteristics in the university campus is loved by more and more college students。 By using the literature material law,questionnaire investigation,logic analysis and investigation about the present situation of the development of the central university for nationalities,found that college students generally very interested in tennis,but because in the teaching of tennis teaching content more,shorter hours,more than the number of students,less contradiction,grealy restricted the smooth completion of the teaching task,difficult to achieve the teaching purpose ,affecting the popularization and development of the sport in colleges and universities。In this paper,the strengthening of tennis courses,teachers team construction ,improve the problems put forward reasonable Suggestions to the construction ,to promote the development of tennis sport in the school has a certain significance。 

Keywords:College students; Tennis movement; Present situation and countermeasures;

目    录

摘要: 1

引言 2

1 研究对象与研究方法 2

1。1研究对象 2

1。2研究方法 2

2。 研究结果与分析 3

2。1中央民族大学网球运动发展的现状: 3

2。2 影响网球运动在中央民族大学的发展主要因素分析 4

2。3中央民族大学网球运动发展对策 7

3。结论与建议 8

3。1结论 8

3。2建议 9

附录1 10

附录2 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

中央民族大学网球运动的发展现状与分析  引言

网球是一项隔网具有独特魅力的绅士运动,现在盛行于全球,是现在被人们所喜爱的仅次于足球的球类运动。19世纪80年代,网球在中国开始流行,发展至今,网球运动在国人运动中占的比例越来越大,影响力较之前也日益增强。随着体育运动越来越受到国人的重视,体育教学也在不断的改革与发展得到大范围的普及。网球独具高雅与时尚的特点,越来越受到当代大学生的喜爱,并且高校对于网球也越来越重视,参与到网球运动中的学生也越来越多,网球运动深受广大学生的欢迎。在参与进网球运动中,学生不单单只是提高身体素质,还能修身养性,提高自我修养 。网球运动大大符合当代大学生对美的追求,对提高学生的身心发展,提高学生全面性的综合素质有很大的帮助。 中央民族大学网球运动的发展现状与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_90278.html
