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时间:2022-04-24 22:00来源:毕业论文

摘 要 本文应用了问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法、数据统计法及逻辑分析法,就体育课学习兴趣问题对淮安市三所市直中学江苏省淮阴中学、江苏省清江中学、淮阴师范学院附属中学部分男同学进行了调查研究,结果表明:46。02%的男同学喜欢上体育课,44。32%的人态度一般,10。23%的人不喜欢上体育课;27。80%的体育教师采取自由活动的授课方式,学生自由活动成分过大;男同学对球类与竞技类运动有较高的兴趣,不是很愿意接触健美操等跳跃类运动;学生比较喜欢幽默型教师而对严厉的教师敬而远之;学生对学校的场地与器材的满意度不高。学生个人心理或身体素质因素、教师素质因素、教学内容与方法因素以及场地器材与环境因素,都是阻碍学生体育学习兴趣发展的重要因素。建议从端正男同学正确的体育学习态度、增加体育授课内容的趣味性、加强对体育教师的素质培养、增进师生关系以及加大体育设施的投资等方面来激发中学男同学的体育学习兴趣。80234


Abstract :In this paper, the application of questionnaire investigation, literature material method, interview method, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, physical education learning interest problem of Huaian three straight schools in Huaiyin middle school of Jiangsu province, Jiangsu Qingjiang Huaiyin normal university affiliated middle school of high school, some male students has carried on the investigation and study, the results show that: first, 46。02% of male students like PE class, 44。32% of people attitude in general, 10。23% of people don't like physical education classes; 27。80% of the physical education teachers take the free way of teaching, students free composition is too large; Male students' interest in sports and competitive sports have higher, not very willing to contact jump sport such as aerobics; Students prefer humorous type teachers for tough away;The student to the school site and equipment of satisfaction is not high。 Second, students' inpidual psychological or physical factors, teachers' quality, teaching content and method and equipment for the venue and environment factors, are all important factors hindering the development of the student sports study interest。 Advice from the male students of physical education learning right attitude, interesting sports teaching contents, strengthen the physical education teachers is to cultivate and improve the relationship between teachers and students and increase the investment of sports facilities and so on to stimulate high school male students of physical education learning interest。 

Key words: HuaiAn straight middle school; Male students; Physical education; Interest in sports; The influence factors and countermeasures。


1 前言3

1。1 学习兴趣的概念。3

1。2 选题依据3

1。3 文献综述3

2 研究对象与方法 。4

2。1 研究对象 。。4

2。2 研究方法 。。 4

2。2。1 文献资料法。。4

2。2。2 问卷调查法。。4

2。2。3 访谈法 。。5

2。2。4 数理统计法。。5

2。2。5 逻辑分析法。。5

3 结果与分析5           

3。1 淮安市市直中学男同学对体育课学习兴趣现状分析 。。6

3。1。1 淮安市市直中学男同学对体育课学习兴趣程度。。6

3。1。2 体育课授课内容对淮安市市直中学男同学兴趣的影响。。6

3。1。3 淮安市市直中学男同学感兴趣的运动项目。7

3。1。4 场地设施与器材因素对淮安市市直中学男同学体育兴趣影响7 淮安市中学男同学对体育课学习兴趣的现状分析及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_93121.html
