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时间:2021-10-12 20:20来源:毕业论文


   Sugar can provide a significant role in the movement of energy to the body, give a person。 Sugar in the body movement plays an extremely important role in the energy supply。 Athletes body has the advantage of high and low sugar can affect the length of time, has a big impact on improving performance。 With the continuous improvement of sports level, coaches and athletes are attaches great importance to the role in the relationship between sugar and performance, how to better play to the function of sugar。 In the perspective of energetics, before and after the movement training before the game, have what impact on carbohydrate supplement for detailed instructions。 In addition to the training of carbohydrate supplement, in daily life should be how to better the sugar levels。 Food with all kinds of sugar content and better absorption methods。 This article is based on sugar all aspects of the investigation, better play to the sugar of more comprehensive effects on athletic ability and grades。 On hangzhou youth runner observe the investigation and analysis, in order to better improve performance。

毕业论文关键词:补糖;    运动影响;   长跑运动员

Keyword: carbohydrate supplementation;  movement;  long-distance runner


1引言 1

  1。1前言 1

 1。2文献综述 1

   2研究对象与方法 1

2。1研究对象 1

2。2研究方法 1

2。2。1文献资料法 1

   2。2。2调查研究法 2

 2。2。3数理统计法 2

2。2。4实验法 2

   3。研究结果与分析 2

      3。1糖在食物中的含量 3

 3。2长跑运动员日常生活中的补糖 3

3。3长跑运动员训练时的补糖类型和剂量 4

3。4长跑运动员训练前的补糖 5

3。4。1在训练强度较大时的作用 5

 3。4。2在训练强度中等时的作用 6

3。4。3在训练强度较小时的作用 6

3。5运动员在赛前赛后的补糖作用 7

4结论与建议 7

4。1结论 7

4。2建议 7

参考文献 少体校长跑运动员糖类运用效果的研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_82881.html
