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时间:2021-10-27 21:29来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文运用文献资料法本篇文章运用了问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法、数据统计法,对淮安市城乡小学体育教师状况进行了调查与研究。了解了淮安市城区与农村小学体育教师现状和城乡小学体育教学之间的对比差距。得出了以下结论:(1)淮安市城乡小学体育教师在年龄、性别、学历、职称、工资待遇、体育教师思想观念上面有很大差距。(2)淮安市城区小学体育教师执教能力、水平是高于农村小学体育教师的。城区体育教师上课有专业的课时计划、种类丰富的体育器材等等。而在农村教案可以直接忽略,体育教师大多数是放羊式教学,体育器材严重匮乏。(3)城乡学校对待小学体育教师进修状况是不同的,城区学校会加大对“不合格”或学历低的体育教师进修,农村学校对其却无所谓。根据结论提出建议,希望国家能够加大体育教师队伍的建设,促进城乡小学体育的发展。73499

毕业论文关键词: 淮安市城乡小学,体育教师,现况对比,发展 

Abstract:This article uses the questionnaire survey method, literature method, interview method, data statistics, the Huaian city urban and rural primary school physical education teachers in the investigation and research。 To understand the comparative gap between Huaian urban and rural primary school physical education teachers and the status of urban and rural primary school physical education。 Draw the following conclusions: (1) primary school physical education teachers in Huaian City, urban and rural areas in the age and gender, education, job title, salary, PE Teachers' ideas above there is a big gap。 (2) Huaian city primary school sports teachers' ability and level is higher than that of PE teachers in rural primary school。 The city has a professional PE teachers class teaching plan, a variety of sports equipment and so on。 While in rural teaching can be directly ignored, the majority of PE teachers is sheep teaching, a serious shortage of sports equipment。 (3) urban and rural schools in the treatment of primary school physical education teachers are different, urban schools will increase the "unqualified" or low degree of physical education teachers, rural schools, it does not matter。 According to the conclusion, it is hoped that the country can increase the construction of sports teachers and promote the development of the urban and rural primary school sports。

Keywords:Huaian urban and rural primary school, physical education teachers, current situation, development

目   录 

1  前言 - 3 -

2 研究对象与方法 - 3 -

2。1研究对象 - 3 -

2。2研究方法 - 3 -

2。2。1文献资料法 - 3 -

2。2。2问卷调查法 - 3 -

2。2。3访谈法 - 4 -

2。2。4数据统计法 - 4 -

3 研究结果与分析 - 4 -

3。1城乡小学体育教师定义 - 4 -

3。2淮安市城乡小学体育教师基本情况对比分析 - 5 -

3。2。1淮安市城乡小学体育教师的性别对比 - 5 -

3。2。2淮安市城乡小学体育教师的年龄对比分析 - 5 -

3。2。3淮安市城乡小学体育教师的学历对比分析 - 5 -

3。2。4淮安市城乡小学体育教师的职称对比分析 淮安市城乡小学体育师资现状调查与研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_83866.html
