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时间:2021-10-27 21:26来源:毕业论文


调查研究得出:淮阴区14所中学,举办运动会的宗旨是丰富校园课余时间的文化生活;项目排在前六位分别是100米、200米、400米、800米、跳高、立定跳远;初中、高中基本上举办田径运动会占调查总数的86%;中学举办田径运动会的天数集中在1-2天;参与运动会学生占总人数比例为占30 %(运动员与裁判团);开展田径运动会季节好但次数少、时间短;有场地设施,但场地小;田径项目设置,缺乏趣味性;计分方法偏向国际田联化计分方式;物质奖励偏重于精神奖励等问题。


Abstract: This paper aims to identify the Huaiyin District secondary school track and field sports development present situation and the existing problems, analyzes the restraint factors。 Through the questionnaire survey, statistical data analysis, interviews and other methods, the Huaiyin District secondary school athletics project, content organization, management mode were studied。

Survey shows that: Huaiyin District 14 schools, organized the purpose of the Games is the cultural life of the rich campus spare time; projects ranked in the top six respectively is 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, high jump, standing long jump, middle school, high school, basically hold athletics games accounted for 86 percent of survey of the total; middle school held Games track and field days in 1-2 days; participate in sports will students accounted for the proportion of the total number is accounted for 30% of the (athletes and judges); development of track and field sports season but the good times less, time is short, venues and facilities, but the site is small; track and field project settings, and lack of interest; scoring method bias The IAAF scoring way; material rewards emphasis on spiritual rewards and other issues。

Key words: Huaiyin district, middle school,middle school students, track and field sports meeting

目   录

摘  要 1

1 前言 4

2 文献综述 4

2。1相关概念的界定 4

2。1。1田径运动的概念 4

2。1。2学校运动会概念 4

2。2关于国内学校运动会的相关研究 5

2。2。1学校运动会开展模式 5

2。2。2学校运动会的举办次数与时间 5

2。2。3学校运动会参赛人员情况 5

2。2。4学校运动会的项目设置 5

2。2。5学校运动会的奖励、计分方法 6

3 研究对象与方法 6

3。1研究对象 6

3。2研究方法 6

3。2。1 文献资料法 6

3。2。2问卷调查法 6

3。2。3 访谈法 7

3。2。4数理统计分析法 7

4 淮阴区中学田径运动会开展状况的结果与分析 7 淮阴区中学田径运动会开展现状及存在的问:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_83864.html
