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时间:2022-11-20 09:14来源:毕业论文

摘  要为了推动校园足球活动的开展,针对北京市丰台区校园足球活动的开展现状,以丰台区的北京市丰台第一小学,北京市丰台区师范学校附属小学,北京市丰台区云岗第一小学为调查对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和访谈法等研究方法,对丰台区这几所学校的校园足球开展的现状和影响因素进行分析和研究。



Current situation and analysis of the development of football in Fengtai District primary school in Beijing


In order to promote the development of the campus football activities for the Beijing Fengtai District campus football activities carried out in Fengtai District of Beijing Fengtai Primary School, Fengtai District, Beijing Normal Primary School, Fengtai District Yungang first primary schools survey, using literature data, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and interviews as research method, the status and influencing factors, Fengtai District, these campus football schools to carry out analysis and research。

The results are as follows: Beijing primary school football relatively simple teaching methods, teaching is not strong interesting form of teaching more single; many students are willing to participate in extracurricular activities Soccer, less than the number of participating in extracurricular activities and football time; most parents support students to participate in extracurricular activities in football, but football small number of special teachers, education chromatography is low; most parents are willing to allow their children to participate in campus football activities, but the parents to participate in football activities considered likely to cause injury or impact; and teachers students agree that the site does not meet the teaching equipment, activities and training requirements; school race schools more, but less in the district and municipal level competition。 Specific recommendations are as follows: Teachers should change the past, the traditional teaching methods, the development of new teaching methods to enable students to participate in football at a higher interest activities; reasonable arrangements for cultural studies, curriculum and teachers to reduce the burden of student learning, so that more students in extracurricular have enough time to participate in extracurricular activities in football; football teacher training or re-learn, to improve the level of expertise; actively guide parents to change the concept, participation in sports helps to improve students' physical fitness。 Also students to participate in football activities to increase the safety of sports protective; increase capital investment, prepared and ready for field equipment, but also to strengthen the management of field equipment; engage in more high gold content, multi-level football matches。 北京市丰台区小学校园足球开展现状与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_102226.html
