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时间:2021-08-19 19:16来源:毕业论文

摘要晨跑是目前大部分学校乃至社会上十分普遍的一种早晨锻炼方式,我校开展晨跑已有数年之久,并将晨跑列入了学生考核当中。我校的晨跑不仅锻炼了学生的意志品质,让学生养成了早起学习的好习惯 ,同时晨跑成为校园早晨一道靓丽的风景线。本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法和观察法对大学学生晨跑的现状进行了调查研究,分析学生晨跑的时间与路线、晨跑的认知态度、情绪体验、动机类型、晨练的制约因素以及晨练中的常见误区等相关问题进行调查,探讨其中关于大学学生晨跑发展的积极因素和不利因素,并提出相应的对策和建议,大学学生科学晨练提供参考,促进大学生晨跑活动的发展, 同时也是为推进学生积极参加各类体育活动和学习奠定了良好的基础。71060

毕业论文关键词:晨跑   ; 调查 ;   对策 ; 研究

Abstract Running in the morning is the most common school and society a way of exercise in the morning, our school has a morning run for years, and will be running in the morning on the assessment of students. Our morning run not only exercise the will quality of students, make students form the habit of early learning, at the same time morning run into the campus a beautiful beautiful scenery line in the morning. This article through the literature material law, questionnaire investigation, interview method, mathematical statistics and observation to the current situation of hangzhou normal university students running in the morning has carried on the investigation and study, analysis of the students are running in the morning time and route, running in the morning the cognitive and emotional experience, the restriction factor of motivation types, morning exercise, and exercise the common misconceptions about related problems, such as investigation, discussion of hangzhou normal university students morning run development of positive factors and negative factors, and put forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, hangzhou normal university students to provide reference for scientific exercise, promote the development of college students' activities running in the morning, but also to promote the students took an active part in all kinds of sports activities and laid a good foundation.

Key words: running in the morning; Survey; Countermeasures; research


1引言 3

1.1研究的目的与意义 3

1.1.1研究的目的 3

1.1.2研究的意义 4

2对象及研究方法 4

2.1研究对象 4

2.2研究方法 4

2.2.1文献资料法 4

2.2.2问卷调查法 5

2.2.3访谈法 5

2.2.4数据统计法 7

3大学学生晨跑相关问题调查 6

3.1大学学生参加晨跑基本情况 6

3.1.1参加晨跑的年级分布 6

3.1.2每周参加晨跑次数和单次晨跑时间 6

3.2晨跑动机分析 7

3.3晨跑的态度及制约因素 8

3.3.1学生进行晨跑的态度 8

3.3.2学生进行晨跑的制约因素 9

4大学学生晨跑存在问题及建议 大学生晨跑相关问题调查及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_80616.html
