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时间:2021-08-03 11:49来源:毕业论文



Abstract:After school sports as an important part of school sports, has a unique role in improve students physical fitness, is an indispensable part of the implementation of school physical education goals. Middle school students to participate in extracurricular sports activities is beneficial to improve the level of physical and mental health, improve the social adaptation ability. Extracurricular sports activities and school sports to the transition of social sports, but also in helping the students' lifetime sports to build a good foundation. But, at present middle school students study pressure, sports activities need equipment is difficult to satisfy, the lack of a good sport environment and atmosphere factors restrict the most middle school students to participate in extracurricular sports activities. Group to change the status quo, therefore, this article is intended to help high school students take an active part in extracurricular sports activities and promote physical and mental health and healthy development of the students for the future of the lifelong sports provides a good foundation, in a better state of mind to face the challenges of the present situation of social.

Keywords:Middle school students, school sports, the status quo, investigation, analysis

目   录

1前言 3

2 研究对象和方法 3

2.1 研究对象 3

2.2研究方法 3

2.2.1文献资料法 3

2.2.2 问卷调查法 3

2.2.3数理统计法 3

2.2.4逻辑推理法 3

3研究结果与分析 3

3.1中学生参加课余体育活动的目的 3

3.2中学生课余体育活动的项目 4

3.3中学生参加课余体育活动的频率 5

3.4中学生每次参加课余体育活动持续的时间 6

3.5影响中学生参加课余体育活动的原因 6

3.6中学课余体育活动开展对策 7

结论与建议 8

4.1结论 8

4.2建议 8

参考文献 11

致谢 12

附录 13 


课余体育活动是指学生在课余的时间里,运用各种身体练习的手段和方法,以发展身体素质、增强体质、活跃身心、提高运动技能水平和丰富课余文化生活为目的而参加的体育教育活动。它主要包括早操、课间操、班级集体体育活动、课余体育训练、课余竞赛以及校外体育、家庭体育等多种组织形式和内容。课余体育活动是学校体育的重要组成部分之一,是实现学校体育教育目标的重要途径之一。中学生参加课余体育活动有利于提高身体和心理的健康水平,提高社会适应能力。课余体育活动也是学校体育向社会的体育的过渡,同时也是在帮助学生的终身体育建立一个良好的基础。但是,现阶段中学生的学习压力过大,体育活动所需要的器材难以得到满足,缺少一个良好的运动环境和运动氛围等因素制约着大部分的中学生参加课余体育活动。因此,本文意在帮助中学生群体改变现状,积极参加课余体育活动,促进身体健康和心理健康发展,为学生今后的终身体育提供了一个良好的基础,以一个更好的心态去面对现代社会的挑战。 中学生课余体育现状调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_79484.html
