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时间:2020-06-10 19:55来源:毕业论文




Abstract: With the rapid development of the gaming industry in the country, but also exposed a lot of problems. First, the study of domestic gaming industry is relatively backward; second is due to poor management and responsibilities unclear, uneven levels of electric competition, leading to the fairness of the domestic electric competition, fairness and authority have not guaranteed; the third is the management system of competing athletes practitioners and relevant staff electrical domestic imperfect. Fourth, the lack of positive guidance, a number of young people addicted to gaming game, had an impact on the school, which led to the social gaming industry, public opinion pressure.

Motion gaming first to emphasize their sportsmanship, teamwork, culture and other aspects of thinking ability to start, spread through the mass media, to improve the social environment of gaming motion, after which can be supported by public opinion, this movement could be carried out. Meanwhile, the government managed to intervene, to make sports gaming standardization organization in the tournament, in order to avoid illegal operators improper agencies, government organizations to highlight the management function, detailed activity rules, leading the Chinese gaming industry.

I hope the Government can introduce relevant policies and regulations to support and regulate gaming in this cradle of new industries; spread through the media, the right to guide the public perception of gaming; so that good people can devote yourself to the sport, on the international stage a talent show; so that more businesses see the potential economic benefits of gaming, gaming promoting sustainable development.


Keyword: Electronic Sports Industry;Current situation; Developing


1.引言 1

1.1研究的背景 1

1.2研究的意义 1

1.3研究的内容 1

1.4研究方法 2

2相关概念辨析 2

2.1电竞的概念 2

2.2电竞游戏的分类 2

2.3电竞用户的概念 3

2.4电竞产业的概念 3

3.我国电竞产业现状分析 3

3.1我国电竞发展历程 我国电竞产业的现状和发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_53929.html
