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时间:2020-04-02 21:01来源:毕业论文


Abstract Purpose: To identify whether the 24-style Taijiquan exercise could efficiently relief the inpiduals’ mental fatigue after the operation of mental workload. Method: Firstly, before the operation of mental workload, 20 human subjects were tested for saturation of cerebral blood oxygen in normal state and do the same test again after they took oral arithmetic, a kind of operation of mental workload, for 90 minutes. After the test, 10 of them, namely the sitting group, sat down for a rest for 5 minutes, and the rest 10 subjects, called the Taijiquan group, did 24-style Taijiquan exercise for 5 minutes. And then another test for cerebral blood oxygen was conducted. Results:  Prior to the oral arithmetic, the subjects in the sitting group has little difference from the Taijiquan group in cerebral blood oxygen(P=0.75). However, after the oral arithmetic, both results urged to some extent in the third test(the sitting group P=0.001, the Taijiquan group P=0.001).And resumptive value of the sitting group is 53.88, and that of the Taijiquan group is 54.24, which means the rising amplitude of the latter group is higher (F=9.323,P=0.007,P<0.05). Conclusion: The 24-style Taijiquan exercise could efficiently relief the inpiduals’ mental fatigue after the operation of mental workload, and the effectiveness is better than having a rest.

毕业论文关键词: 脑疲劳; 太极拳; 脑力负荷; 脑血氧饱和度

Key  Words: Brain fatigue;taijiquan;Mental load;Cerebral blood oxygen saturation

目  录

1. 前言 5

2. 研究对象与方法 6

2.1 研究对象 6

2.2 脑氧参量检测设备及测量方法 6

2.3 研究方法 7

2.3.1 实验法 7

2.3.2 数理统计法 7

3. 结果与分析 7

4. 讨论 11

5. 结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

1. 前言 

脑力疲劳后会出现注意力不集中、头脑昏沉、心理紧张、精神不振、心烦意乱、失眠多梦、思维缓慢、反应迟钝、记忆衰退、情绪波动、工作效率低下等症状,这是因为过度用脑而导致脑细胞活动所需的氧气和营养物质供应不上,产生“疲劳毒素”堆积的结果。产生“疲劳毒素”的原因就是由于人体大脑供氧相对不足,营养物质不能完全氧化成二氧化碳和水,而是生成了大量的乳酸、氧自由基、过氧化脂质和褐脂素等物质,在组织中堆积过多,使组织细胞中毒,而又未能及时改善所造成的。所以“脑力疲劳”一定要重视,如果不及时发现并有效地治疗和恢复,就很可能会造成全身性的疲劳而加重病情。 24式太极拳对脑力作业诱发的脑血氧浓度的影响:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_49374.html
