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时间:2020-03-30 19:19来源:毕业论文



Abstract Modern basketball is loved by people around the world set of sports, entertainment and fitness in one of the sport, it has a strong antagonism, competition, fun entertainment and ease of popularity in the world scope of influence very extensive. "Compulsory physical education and health curriculum standard revision 2012" (hereinafter referred to as the "standard"), requested the rudiments of students, preliminary master basic grasp small basketball, small football and other ball games, but at this stage the presence of primary and secondary school basketball training mode many disadvantages, the training effect is far from ideal, low student basketball skills, interest in learning is not strong, single traditional demonstrations, correct the current needs of elementary school basketball malfunction had been unable to meet the training mode, to mobilize students to explore a enthusiasm, improve training atmosphere, improve the efficiency of the training model, has become a primary school in basketball urgent need.

Keywords: Basketball; induce training; primary

目    录

1  诱导训练法与篮球运、传、投技术 1

1.1诱导训练法的认识 1

1.2诱导训练法的定义 1

1.3诱导训练法的特点 1

1.4诱导训练法的优势 2

1.5篮球运、传、投技术的形成过程 2

2  当前杭州部分小学篮球教学现状分析 3

2.1篮球课教学内容 3

2.2学生对篮球技术训练的兴趣 3

2.3篮球教学训练方法 4

2.4教学场地器材设施 4

2.5小学生对篮球的认知情况 4

3  诱导训练法在小学生篮球训练中的运用 5

3.1小学生的生理和心理特点分析 5

3.2小学生的身体素质特点与篮球技术训练的关系 5

3.3篮球运、传、投技术的诱导教学训练方法分析 6

4  结 论 8

参考文献 9

1   诱导训练与篮球运、传、投技术


兴趣诱导训练为小学生提供一个不断完善自我与提高篮球技术水平的机会,激励学生学习篮球技术,使学生获得成就感,增强自信心,培养学生的合作精神,从被动接受学习转变为积极主动地学习篮球的基本技战术,成为学生快乐的运动,效果非常明显。随着现代篮球运动在高度普及和职业化发展的进程中迅速提高,人们对优秀人才的选拔和培养也更为关注,小学生篮球队员训练的质量和水平在未来的竞争中起着至关重要的作用。 小学生篮球运传投技术诱导训练法探讨:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_49147.html
