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时间:2020-01-19 15:33来源:毕业论文


Anaerobic exercise refers to the muscles in the state of "hypoxia" high-speed strenuous exercise, aerobic exercise is relative to the terms, anaerobic exercise is mostly high intensity, strong moments of movement, in the process of the whole movement, the rate of body acceleration is The new supersedes the old., need to consume more energy. In the China anaerobic exercise is the most in the gym in the form of development, improving physical fitness in the best place is Chinese gym. So the development of China anaerobic exercise is the most important fitness industry development, and college students is an important object of implementation of the national fitness. In this paper, using literature data, questionnaire survey, field testing and other research methods, the effect of anaerobic exercise on physical fitness, to analyze the feasibility of anaerobic exercise gym for students, facilitate the development of domestic gym better, and college students to better carry out fitness activities.

毕业论文关键词:无氧运动; 体质效果; 健身房;大学生

Keyword: Anaerobic exercise;physical effect;gym;college students

目  录

1前言 1

2相关概念的界定 2

2.1 无氧运动 2

2.2 体质 2

3研究对象与方法 3

3.1研究对象 3

3.2研究方法 3

3.2.1问卷调查法 3

3.2.2文献资料法 3

3.2.3实地测验法 3

3.2.4数据统计法 3

4调查结果与分析 4

4.1下沙高教园区大学生对于中国健身行业无氧锻炼可行性的调查结果及分析 4

4.1.1大学生进行体育锻炼的基本情况的调查 4

4.1.2大学生对无氧运动概念的了解情况的调查 4

4.1.3大学生去健身房的情况及兴趣调查 5

4.1.4大学生在健身房中进行大重量器械无氧运动时间的调查 5

4.1.5大学生在非健身房中进行无氧运动频率的调查 6

4.2一周3次以上进行系统的无氧锻炼学生的体质总体情况分析 6

4.2.1身体形态指标的内涵及分析 6

4.2.1身体技能指标分析 7

5结论 8

5.1无氧运动对体质的影响 8

5.2中国健身行业的无氧锻炼可行性分析 无氧运动对减脂效果的初探:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_45447.html
