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时间:2023-05-22 22:48来源:毕业论文



  Abstract: in recent years, with the continuous improvement of living standards, consumers also paid more attention to the quality of life, health awareness, it become a motive force of the development of China sporting goods market。 This paper tries to from the perspective of the target market marketing strategy, through the investigation and analysis of decathlon in marketing problems, using the SWOT analysis method to find the decathlon of strengths, weaknesses and core competence, according to the analysis results find decathlon's own condition and the ability of the target market, and the decathlon in the target market positioning, strive for the target consumer to establish brand image, in the fierce competition in the badminton products successfully to expand market share in the market。From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766

Key words:  the target market;  Marketing;  brand

目  录

摘要 I

1引言 1

2卡侬概况及其羽毛球用品市场细分 1

2。1迪卡侬源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 概况 1

2。2迪卡侬杭州羽毛球用品市场细分 2

2。2。1按消费者年龄细分 2

2。2。2按消费者职业细分 3

2。2。3按消费者受教育程度细分 4

2。2。4按消费者消费能力细分 5

2。2。5按消费者利益诉求细分 6

3迪卡侬SWOT分析 7

3。1内部优势分析 7

3。1。1产品主次分明,价格适中 7

3。1。2经验丰富,具有专业技术 8

3。1。3实体店地理位置理想 8

3。1。4产品质量优良 8

3。2内部劣势分析 8

3。2。1品牌定位模糊,没有个性 8

3。2。2部分产品的产品线太长,分散了有限的资源 9

3。2。3行业进入壁垒不高 9

3。3外部潜在机会 9

3。3。1宏观市场环境十分有利 9

3。3。2目标市场基数庞大,消费者品牌忠诚度不高 9

3。3。3有众多竞争者培育市场 10

3。4外部潜在威胁 10

3。4。1羽毛球用品品牌众多,竞争激烈 10

3。4。2可替代项目较多 10

4迪卡侬的目标市场的选择 羽毛球用品目标市场营销战略研究以迪卡侬为例+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_170150.html
