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时间:2023-04-12 22:57来源:毕业论文

摘要     中学课余体育训练的开展可以丰富学生的课余学习活动,提高学生的运动素质,带动全校学生热爱体育。目前形势下,如何有效开展学校课余田径训练成为一个重要而有价值的课题。作者将针对浙江省绍兴市越城区6所初中和3所高中为例,以主要分管领导、教练员、运动员为对象,用问卷调查法、访谈法、实地考察法、文献资料等对绍兴市越城区的中学田径课余训练现状进行全面的调查研究。主要以教练员的情况、运动员的情况、学校的管理、后勤保障等主要四方面展开研究,并分析当中存在的各类问题。经过调查研究发现主要存在下列问题:当前的地区中学课余运动训练依然不完善,选材、训练与学生学习课程矛盾;训练场地环境,学校的重视情况,管理请款经费等问题突出;学校领导的功利导向致使学校训练队的训练不系统,不科学;教练员消极应付训练;地区教育领导的不重视。针对上述问题,提出合理有效的建议,为今后绍兴越城区中小学训练队发展提供有益参考,推动学校训练水平的提高。 88352

毕业论文关键词:绍兴市越城区; 中学生; 田径; 课余训练 ;现状

Abstract Can enrich students of extracurricular sports training in the middle schoolExtracurricular learning activities, improve the quality of the student movement, the students love sports。 The current situation, how to effectively carry out the school classOver the track and field training is an important and valuable subject, the author in view of the city of shaoxing, zhejiang province, the 6 3 junior middle school and high school as an example,Mainly in charge of the leadership, coaches, athletes, with questionnaire investigation, interview method, field survey method, literature on shaoxingCity middle school track and field after school training status quo of the city to conduct a comprehensive investigation and study。 Mainly for coaches, athletes, schoolThe main four aspects of management, logistics, etc。, and analysis of all kinds of problems。 Through investigation and study found that there areThe following issues: the current high school after school sports training is still not perfect, material selection, training, and students' learning course; Training ground ring, school attaches great importance to the situation, the management expense and other problems, please; The training of the school leaders of the utilitarian orientation training in school system,Not science; The coaches to cope with negative training; Regional education leadership attaches great importance to。 Aiming at these problems, puts forward Suggestions for the reasonable and effective, for nowAfter the shaoxing city development provide some useful reference and training for primary and secondary schools to promote the improvement of school training。

Key words: city of shaoxing,  the situation of track and field after school training  in high school


1前言 6

2研究对象与方法 8

2。1 研究对象 8

2。2研究方法 8

2。2。1文献资料法 8

2。2。2 专家访谈法 8

2。2。3数理统计法 9

2。2。4问卷调查法 9

3 研究内容 9

3。1 绍兴市越城区中学田径课余训练参训运动员现状 9

3。1。1 运动员生源情况 9

3。1。2运动员的年级及性别分布 绍兴市越城区中学生田径课余训练现状的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_158662.html
