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时间:2023-05-14 20:29来源:毕业论文
大学生参与休闲体育活动的现状与对策分析。用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理分析法和逻辑分析法 对杭州师范大学的学生休闲体育活动的现状进行了调查研究

摘要随着社会发展程度越来越高,大学生课余活动多种多样,足不出户也有多种方式休闲娱乐。 但是经常宅在宿舍,对于现代大学生的身体素质有着非常负面的影响。大学生应该走出宿舍, 进行丰富的锻炼,以此来增强体质、扩展社交圈、放松心情等等。本文以杭州师范大学学生 的休闲体育活动为样本,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理分析法和逻辑分析法 对杭州师范大学的学生休闲体育活动的现状进行了调查研究。通过分析杭州市大学生休闲体 育行为状况、休闲体育消费行为特征、制约他们进行休闲体育活动的因素等问题,得出相应 的结论。提出关于如何提升大学生休闲体育活动参与度的对策,并且给杭州市的高校提供培 养和支持大学生休闲体育活动的建议,以便于杭州未来休闲体育的发展。88756

毕业论文关键词:休闲体育活动; 杭州师范大学; 大学生;研究; 对策

Abstract With the development of the society, university students nowadays have more chances to participate in various after-school activities。 Students can spend their leisure time in a wide variety of ways without leaving home。 However, we cannot ignore the negative impacts that staying in the dormitory for a long time brings to college students。 So it is reasonable to suggest that university students should spend more time outside of the dormitory buildings doing things like physical exercise ,by which the students can get stronger and healthier bodies ,meet more people and relax themselves。 Taking Hangzhou Normal University students’ leisure sports activities as samples, this study uses the methods of literature and data method questionnaire investigation method, interview method, statistical analysis and logic inductive method to investigate and research the condition of students' leisure sports activities in Hangzhou Normal University。 By analyzing the university student's behavior of doing leisure sports ,their characters of leisure sports consumption, and the factors that discourage them from doing leisure sports, we draw a conclusion。 This study puts forward suggestions on how to improve the participation of university students' leisure sports activities, and provides suggestions for the colleges and universities in Hangzhou to cultivate and support the leisure sports activities of students so as to facilitate the development of leisure sports in Hangzhou。

Keywords: Leisure Sports Activities; Hangzhou Normal University; University Students;Research; Strategy


一、 绪论 5

(一) 选题背景及意义 5

(二) 主要研究内容 5

(三) 文献综述 5

1、 国外关于休闲体育的源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 研究综述 5

2、 国内关于休闲体育的研究综述 6

(四) 大学生休闲体育及其相关概念的界定 6

1、 休闲体育的概念 6

2、 休闲体育教育的概念 7

二、 研究对象与方法 7

(一) 研究对象 7

(二) 研究方法及研究手段 7

1、 研究方法 7

(1) 文献资料法 7

(2) 问卷调查法 7

(3) 访谈法 7 大学生参与休闲体育活动的现状与对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_167431.html
