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时间:2023-05-07 15:20来源:毕业论文



Abstract All athletics is the mother of the movement, which is mainly composed of walking, running, jumping and throwing four project groups, sports speed, strength and endurance as a whole, the athlete's physical quality and psychological quality has very high requirements。 With the development of the track and field, the movement of the project is more and more difficult, the technical requirements are higher and higher。 Therefore, most of the track and field athletes, sports injury is inevitable, this paper adopts literature data method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method, comparative analysis method, field survey method, 13-16 level of track and field sports and Health School of Hangzhou normal university students majoring in special strokes, track and field sports injury were investigated。 Analysis of causes of injury of track and field sports in the process and the reasons put forward corresponding prevention and treatment measures, in order to reduce the occurrence of injury in training students。 The survey results show that in track and field training in the sports injury rate is extremely high, the special damage rate, position and extent of damage, injury type, injury time vary, injury is complicated, through the analysis of the problems and puts forward the corresponding suggestions and preventive measures。

Key words: sports injury;  reason;  countermeasure


一、前  言 5

(一)选题背景 5

(二)文献综述 5

二、研究对象、方法与目的 6

(一)研究对象 6

(二)研究方法 6

1。文献资料法 6

2。问卷调查法 6

3。数理统计法 6

4。访谈法 6

(三)研究目的 6

三、研究结果 7

(一)田径运动损伤情况分析 7

1。田径运动损伤损伤率 7

2。田径运动损伤项目 7

3。田径运动损伤部位 8

4。田径运动损伤程度 9

5。田径运动损伤类型 10

6。田径运动损伤源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 时间(季节) 田径训练中运动损伤原因调查与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_164821.html
