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时间:2024-06-03 22:26来源:95521





Abstract:The problem of housing prices in today's society has become the first concern of the people and the government, it not only affects the whole national economic but also becomes the decisive factor of affecting the happiness of the people increasingly, so the factors that affect the housing prices become helpful on the basis of grasp the development of the land market law, the entire country's national economic development has great significance, and as a professional Research and statistical analysis tool, The R language is widely used in its open source, free and powerful function package ,providing a strong analytical tool for the professional statistical analysis.

In this paper, we mainly analyze the influencing factors of commodity house price, and establish a multiple Regression model for the Relevant economic data from 2006 to 2015. In theory, there are many factors influencing house prices. In this case, it mainly includes the money supply, Real estate investment and development, per capita disposable income of urban Residents, gross national income, gross domestic product, Real estate sales area, the number of construction enterprises, including seven factors, The study of multivariate Regression analysis in R language gives us a deeper understanding of the influencing factors and the Relationship between the various factors. In addition to study the R language in heteroscedasticity applications, we list the Research of agriculture business income and other income influence on China's Rural consumer spending growth, through this case further demonstrate R the use of language in terms of heteroscedasticity

In this paper, the use of R language to achieve the establishment of the equation and the least squares test and the equation of multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation problem detection and elimination problems.

Keywords: Multiple Regression analysis; R language; Multi collinearity; Heteroscedasticity


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题的应用背景 例解R语言在回归分析中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204099.html
