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时间:2021-10-26 21:32来源:毕业论文

摘要:采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取猫眼草中的挥发性物质并进行萃取浓缩,同时以乙酸乙酯为溶剂加热回流法提取后浓缩,以GC-MS气质联用检测粗提物成分并利用CAS数据库进行查询分析。水蒸气蒸馏法经检测提取出了16种有效成分,其中含量在4。00%以上的有葡萄糖酸内酯(11。69%), 3-Deoxyestradiol(10。62%)、油酸(5。85%)、丙烯基脱硫硫代葡萄糖苷(4。11%)、N-十六碳酰基-L-苯丙氨酸(4。60%)。回流提取法提取出21种物质,含量4。00%以上的有:多效唑-Asp-精氨酸(22。88%),5-氧代己酸(15。75%)、3-Deoxyestradio(12。49%)、3-脱氧-D-甘露-2-辛酮糖酸铵(4。55%)。两种提取方法检测出的重合物中甘露糖具有增加伤口愈合速度,抗炎症以及抑制肿瘤细胞增长的作用,可以一定程度上增加患者癌症存活率。73441


Determination of volatile substances in GC-MS Euphorbia lunulata 

Abstract: The water vapor distillation method is used to extract volatile substances in the euphorbia lunulata and carry on the extraction and concentration, and meanwhile ethyl acetate is taken as the solvent,heating reflux method is used for extraction and concentration,and GC-MS machine is used to detect crude extract components and the CAS database is used for comparison and query。 Water vapor distillation method extracts 16 kinds of effective components through detection,includingdelta–Gluconolactone (11。69%), 3-Deoxyestradiol(10。62%), oleic acid (5。85%), Desulfosinigri(4。11%)N-Hexadecanoyl-L-phenlyalanine (4。60%), whose content is above 4。00%, Refluxing extraction extracts 21 kinds of substances, including Met-Asp-Arg(22。88%), 5-Oxohexanoate(15。75%), 3-Deoxyestradio(12。49%), 3-Deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid ammonium salt (4。55%), whose content is above 4。00%, Mannose, overlapping substance detected in two extraction methods has the effect of increasing the speed of wound healing, anti-inflammatory and inhibiting tumor cell growth, and it may increase cancer patients survival rate to some extent。

Keywords: GC-MS,  Euphorbia lunulata,  volatile substances


前言 1

1材料与方法 2

1。1。材料 2

1。2试剂 2

1。3仪器 2

1。4实验方法 2

2 结果与分析 3

2。1水蒸气蒸馏法 3

2。2回流提取法 4

2。3。比较分析 5

3。讨论 6

4参考文献 6


刘汉杰[5]使用猫眼草茎汁治疗扁疣,收集猫眼草茎部断面流出的草汁, 用此白汁涂抹扁疣症患处, 一至两天后患处表面发生炎性水疤, 四至七天内水疤逐渐干燥,最终疤块脱落后扁疣治愈。猫眼草茎汁在皮肤粘膜破损处使用,会造成皮肤溃烂,流到健康皮肤上,易引起接触性皮炎,因此在涂抹患处时应特别小心。文献综述 GC-MS法测定猫眼草的挥发性:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_83789.html
