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时间:2020-07-20 21:07来源:毕业论文

摘要:杂粮对曲奇饼干的品质影响结果表明,添加紫薯粉、大豆粉、荞麦粉制作曲奇饼干比较适合,尤其是紫薯粉。将紫薯粉、大豆粉、荞麦粉三者以适当比例混合,制作以紫薯为主要风的杂粮曲奇饼干,通过实验得到的最佳配方为(焙烤%):低筋面粉100,紫薯粉56,大豆粉7,荞麦粉7,糖粉43.4,鸡蛋30,黄油73.3。最适宜的烘烤条件为:上下火温度180℃/150℃,时间是16min。测得最佳曲奇饼干的水分含量为3.73%,硬度为591.26 g,延展度为4.393,曲奇饼干的松密度为0.925g/mL,色差计测得杂粮曲奇饼干的L*、a*、b*值分别为-237.2、8.55、-3.72。52699


Study on the production of cereal cookies

Abstract: Effect of grain quality of the cookies results show that make cookies for addition of purple sweet potato powder, soybean flour, buckwheat flour, especially of purple sweet potato powder. The purple sweet potato flour, soybean flour, buckwheat flour mixed in proper proportion, making in purple sweet potato flavor quality of food grains other than wheat and rice cookies, obtained through the experiment the optimum formula for: low gluten flour 100%, purple sweet potato powder 56%, soybean powder 7%, 7% of Buckwheat flour, sugar addition was 43.4%, egg addition amount is 30%, butter adding amount was 73.3%. The most suitable baking conditions are: upper and lower fire temperature 180/150, time is 16min. Measured the moisture content of the best cookies 3.73%, and the hardness is 591.26 g, ductility is from, the bulk density of the cookies for 0.925g/ml, colorimeter measured grains cookies L *, a *, b * value - 237.2, 8.55, -3.72 respectively.

Keywords: grains; cookies; production

目  录

1 引言 1

1.1 杂粮 1

1.1.1 玉米 1

1.1.2 黑米 1

1.1.3 红米 1

1.1.4 大豆 2

1.1.5 紫薯 2

1.1.6 薏米 2

1.1.7 杂粮与小麦粉主要营养成分比较 2

1.2 曲奇饼干 2

1.3 本课题的研究目的和意义 4

2 材料与方法 5

2.1 实验材料 5

2.2 实验仪器与设备 5

2.3 实验方法 5

2.3.1 曲奇饼干的制作 5

2.3.2 原辅料对曲奇饼干品质的影响 6

2.3.3 杂粮对曲奇饼干品质的影响 6

2.3.4 杂粮曲奇饼干的配方优化 7

2.3.5 杂粮曲奇饼干烘烤条件的确定 7

2.3.6 曲奇饼干的感官评定 7

2.3.7 曲奇饼干延展度的测定 8

2.3.8 曲奇饼干松密度的测定 8

2.3.9 曲奇饼干硬度的测定 8

2.3.10 曲奇饼干色度的测定 9

2.3.11 曲奇饼干水分含量的测定 9

3 结果与讨论 10

3.1 原辅料配比对曲奇饼干制作及品质的影响 10

3.2 单一杂粮对曲奇饼干的品质影响 杂粮曲奇饼干的制作研究:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_56686.html
