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时间:2023-05-16 22:52来源:毕业论文

摘要目的 了解浙江省永嘉县高中生对保健食品的认知和服用现状,分析其影响因素,找出 高中生在保健食品的认知和服用方面存在的误区,为在高中生中开展保健食品健康宣教提供 依据。方法 自行设计《高中生保健食品认知度及服用现状调查表》,采用分层随机整群抽样 的方法选取永嘉县三所高中的 483 名学生进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷 465 份,有效率 96。3%。 结果 高中生保健食品知识平均得分 52。26 分,总体偏低;有 73。3%的调查对象曾服用过保 健食品,服用保健食品的主要目的是增强免疫力、提高记忆力,但在服用方式、时间和剂量 上存在不足;学校、家庭月收入、家长是否相信保健食品的功效和保健食品认知度是影响高 中生保健食品服用的主要因素。结论 学校及社会应加强宣传教育,正确引导高中生服用保 健食品;保健食品企业应不断研发适宜高中生服用的功能类型产品,适应中学生的保健需求; 政府相关部门应加强对保健食品广告内容的审查。88813

Abstract Objective To understand the Yongjia, Zhejiang province high school student's perception of health food and consumption present situation, analyzing the influence factors, find out the high school students in the cognitive and consumer health food myth, as in the high school students to carry out the health food and nutrition propaganda education provides the basis。 Method To design   the

《High school  health  food cognition  and usage  survey questionnaire》, adopts  the  method   of

stratified random selection of Yongjia, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 483 students of three high school, recycling effective questionnaire 465, effective rate was 96。3%。 Result High school food knowledge averaged 52。26 points, overall low; 73。3% of the respondents had taken health food, taking health food's main purpose is to enhance immunity, improve memory, but in the way of taking, time and dose on shortcomings; School, family monthly income and mother culture are the main factors that affect high school health food。 Conclusion Schools and society should promote education and guide high school students to take healthy food。 Healthy food companies should continuously develop the functional type products suitable for high school students and meet the health needs of high school students。 The state should strengthen market supervision and regulate the health food market。

毕业论文关键词:保健食品;认知;服用;影响因素源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Keywords:    Health foods;    Cognition;    Consumption;    Influencing factors


1。 引言 4

2。 对象与方法 5

2。1 研究对象 5

2。2 研究方法 5

2。3 质量控制 5

2。4 资料整理和分析 6

3。 结果与分析 6

3。1 基本情况 6

3。2 保健食品知识知晓情况 8

3。3 调查对象对保健食品的态度 11

3。4 保健食品服用情况 13

3。5 影响保健食品消费的多因素 Logistic 回归分析 16

4。 讨论 永嘉县高中生保健食品认知度及服用现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_168106.html
