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时间:2021-08-08 21:56来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Performance evaluation is not only a judgment of an enterprise’s production and management but also the intuitive feelings to investors. Enterprises set up the next manufacturing objectives with performance evaluation while investors measure the value of an enterprise with it. In China, the collection, analysis and appraisal of data are still in the primary stage and have a big difference with European countries. Performance evaluation is mainly through enterprise’s financial data combined with its production scale and management condition. This thesis will study financial data in Yanghe Company. After comparing with the peer industries, analyzing the data on performance indicators and the current situation of the enterprise, it will find out the reasons of the enterprise’s shortcomings and then put forward some optimized solutions on profits, management and development to help Yanghe Company develop more scientific and rational. 

Key words: Yanghe enterprise, performance evaluation,a single index

目  录

1  引言 3

文献综述 3

3  企业绩效的评价指标 3

3.1  单一指标的绩效评价 4

3.2  杜邦分析法 5

4  洋河集团经营现状分析 5

4.1  洋河企业简介 6

4.2  洋河集团的净产收益率比较 6

4.3  同行业净资产收益率比较 7

4.4  同行业间销售净率比较 8

4.5  同行业间应收账款率的比较 8

4.6  同行业间存货周转次数比较 9

5  结论及发展建议 11

5.1  加强获利能力 11

5.2  提高偿债水平 11

5.3  强化资产运营实力 12

参考文献 13

致 谢 14

1  引言

白酒制造业作为中国市场一个不可或缺的大产业,越来越多的制酒企业开始走集团化路线以谋得更大的市场。但是随着世界经济体系的进一步加强,面对着外来洋酒对市场的抢占,无论是中小型企业还是上市集团,都面临着生产销售的压力。企业必须通过对自有资源的完美掌握以及对市场的确定性分析,才能立足于这个里外夹击的市场顶端,并且做到走出国门,扬名世界。而企业可以通过绩效评价分析针对上一阶段的生产经营作出一个详细的评价报告,根据绩效指标来衡量企业生产经营的能力,根据绩效评价来规划下一阶段的生产经营目标。本文以洋河集团作为评价对象,着重于对企业在盈利能力,资产质量,债务风险和资产运营方面做出分析评价。并将各项指标与同行业竞争的企业做出对比,肯定企业所存在优势,发现企业所存在的不足依据缺陷。通过分析为洋河集团寻找进一步发展的空间,以及下一阶段的发展策略与目标。 洋河企业绩效评价分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_79839.html
