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时间:2021-12-24 16:57来源:毕业论文



Abstract:From the actual situation of our country, many enterprises and the internal audit practice to the importance of internal audit more and more attention。 Compared to the changes in foreign environment, China's domestic environmental changes significantly, the national economy continues to develop。 In recent years, the emphasis on internal audit is the control system, which is the most important and innovative idea in the internal audit。 Therefore, reasonable and effective to promote the development of the modernization of small and medium-sized enterprises, we need to fully understand the function of internal audit and apply it in practical work。 Internal audit work is mainly through the supervision and evaluation of enterprise operating conditions and performance, in the first time to find the problem, to take measures to reduce the risk。 In this paper, through the introduction of internal audit, Yangzhou spring cable Co。, Ltd。 as an example, the enterprise internal audit risk control research carried out related instructions。

Keywords:Risk management,Internal audit,Internal auditing risk,Minor enterprises


1引言 3

2内部审计及风险的概述 3

2。1内部审计 3

2。1。1内部审计的含义 3

2。1。2内部审计的程序 3

2。1。3内部审计的基本目标 4

2。1。4内部审计的发展 4

2。2内部审计风险 4

2。2。1内部审计风险的含义 4

2。2。2内部审计风险产生的原因 5

2。2。3内部审计风险的特征 5

2。3审计流程 6

2。3。1制定审计方案 6

2。3。2审计实施阶段 6

2。3。3做出审计报告 6

2。4内部审计行业的风险管理 6

3扬州春天线缆有限公司的内部审计 7

3。1公司概况 7

3。2扬州春天线缆有限公司收入状况及相关费用的审计 7

3。2。1高新技术产品收入(服务)明细 7

3。2。2研究开发费用结构明细 8

3。3审计结果 9

3。4内部审计风险的表现 9

3。5扬州春天线缆有限公司内部审计风险产生的原因 扬州春天线缆企业内部审计风险控制研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_87136.html
