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时间:2024-02-18 21:04来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In recent years, along with the rapid development of information technology, Internet microfinance gradually and the integration of the Internet。At present, the Internet financial are represented by P2P lending with incredible speed vigorous development in our country。Despite the new thing, as the Internet financial P2P network credit system hasn't been developed mature like Banks, has launched a challenge to the traditional finance, triggered heated discussion。

This article mainly from the domestic status of the P2P network is borrowed, compared the P2P mode and the advantages and disadvantages of our country commercial bank mode, the bank should P2P network countermeasures were analyzed, and the loan for the development of commercial Banks in China under the background of the Internet financial offer competitive advantage strategy。

Keywords:P2P net loan,Commercial Banks, Internet finance

目 录

1。  引言 3

1。1 国内P2P网贷行业现状 3

1。2 文献综述 3

2。 P2P网贷模式相关介绍 4

2。1  P2P网贷发展趋势 5

2。2  P2P网络借贷与传统银行借贷的比较 6

3。 P2P网贷发展对我国传统银行业的影响 7

3。1  对存款业务的影响 8

3。2  对贷款业务的影响 8

3。3  对其他业务的影响 8

4。 农商行在P2P模式影响下做出决策的分析 9

4。1  直销银行业务 9

4。2  股份行 10

4。3  零售业务 10

5。 互联网金融背景下银行业应对P2P影响的措施 10

5。1  主动创新 10

5。2  与互联网企业加强全面合作 11

5。3  注重人才培养 11

5。4  加强防控信用风险 11

5。5  应加强对自有数据的挖掘 12

5。6  寻找新的收入増长点 12

结 论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1。  引言

1。1 国内P2P网贷行业现状来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

我国P2P网贷行业发展至今已有数十年。P2P网贷模式随着互联网、大数据、云计算等计算机信息技术的迅猛发展而日渐为人熟知。目前来说,P2P网贷仍是饱受争议的网络理财模式。 我国P2P模式对商业银行影响的分析以农商行为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_201929.html
