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时间:2023-11-01 21:29来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Fair value as an important measurement attribute in our country, since the beginning of the 20th century into the public eye development unceasingly, for the application of fair value research in China has never cased。With the development of the world market economy,measurement method has become an important factor in the market,and the changes in the market require measurement methods should be able to adapt to the development。In order to comply with the trend, vigorously promote and widely apply the fair value,China promulgated the accounting standards in 2006, which has mentioned the fair value,but then the understanding of the fair value is still more one-sided。So the Ministry of Finance promulgated a new rule is focused on the definition of fair value and related applications in 2014。This article obtains from the fair value of the research background and significance, understanding the fair value of the related concepts and rules, and to deeply understand its characteristics, based on the present situation of the application of fair value in various fields in our country market, this paper explores the problems in its application, and puts forward the solution countermeasures for these problems。

Key words:Fair value,Application research,Solution countermeasure

目  录

1 引言 4

1。1研究背景 4

1。2研究意义 4

1。3文献综述 5

2 公允价值概述 6

2。1公允价值含义 6

2。2公允价值的特征 6

2。3公允价值计量的相关性和可靠性 7

3 公允价值在我国的应用中的现状及存在的问题分析 7

3。1公允价值在我国的应用中的现状 8

3。2公允价值在我国的应用中存在的问题 9

4。公允价值在我国的应用改进的意见和建议 10

4。1健全和完善资本市场 10

4。2加强估值技术水平,强化管理结构 10

4。3加大信息披露 10

4。4加强法制建设 11

4。5加强会计相关人员的素质,发展高端管理人才 11

结  论 12

参 考 文 献 13

致谢 14

1 引言


经济发展以来,历史成本计量一直在市场当中占据着很大的比重,它作为我国乃至世界一直所运用的计量,本身就有着不可撼动的地位,但是追根溯源,它的计量方法在本质上有着一定的缺陷,已经慢慢地在市场中出现弊端,为了维持市场的稳定和经济的发展,其他的计量模式也开始慢慢崭露头角。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 公允价值在我国的应用及改进研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_198119.html
