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时间:2022-12-29 22:23来源:毕业论文



The Study about the New Long-term Equity Investment Standard

Abstract The economic globalization is an important theme of contemporary development and China's economy has been integrated into the world economic development。In order to keep up with the pace of world economic development and promote the sustained and stable development of China's economy,China's Ministry of Finance released the 2014 version of "Enterprise Accounting Standards No。 second - long-term equity investment in March 2014。In this paper, I will first summarize the new long-term equity investment standard ,then enumerates the case about the accounting treatment of the new guidelines。After that,I will compare and analyze the differences between the new standards and the old ones, and discuss the impact of the new guidelines to the enterprises。At last, the essay describes the deficiencies of the new guidelines, and puts forward some effective suggestions to improve the new guidelines。

Keywords: long-term equity investment; differences between new and old guidelines;accounting treatment; effects

目   录

0 引言 1

1 新长期股权投资准则概述 1

1。1新长期股权投资准则修订的背景 1

1。2新长期股权投资准则的主要内容 1

1。3新长期股权投资准则的意义 2

2 新长期股权投资准则下的会计核算问题 2

2。1不再作为长期股权投资计量的权益性投资的会计处理 2

2。1。1对被投资方没有控制、共同控制或者重大影响,同时在活跃市场里无报价、公允价值无法准确计量的股权投资 2

2。1。2对被投资方没有控制、共同控制或者重大影响,但公允价值能够准确计量的股权投资 3

2。2与合并直接费用有关的会计处理 4

2。3投资方与被投资方存在未实现的内部交易损益的会计处理 5

2。4与其他综合收益相关的会计处理 6

2。5与税务相关的会计处理 7

2。5。1取得投资时会计与税法的差异及调整 7

2。5。2持有投资期间会计与税法的差异及调整 7

2。5。3处置投资时会计与税法的差异及调整 7

3 新长期股权投资准则与旧准则之间的差异分析 8

3。1明确了长期股权投资的定义及适用范围 8

3。2长期股权投资初始计量的差异 8 新长期股权投资准则相关问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_116812.html
