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时间:2022-12-14 23:21来源:毕业论文




Accelerated Depreciation of Fixed Assets Policy on Corporate Income Tax

Abstract At present, the trend of China’s economy is basically good, but the possibility for enterprises to earn profit becomes increasingly difficult, it becomes more difficult to labor employment and the future development situation is unknown, China has attached more importance to the accelerating depreciation of fixed assets to reduce the corporate tax pressure。 But the Deal still has a lot of problems to solve。 

The paper first illustrates the meaning and categories of accelerating depreciation of fixed assets, as well as the content and significance of the new depreciation deal in detail。 Subsequently, the paper compares the new depreciation deal with the old, and it analyzes the overall impact of the new depreciation policy from different aspects。 Then on the basis of which, it clarifies the influence of accelerating depreciation of fixed assets policy on enterprise income tax respectively from different angles, which are depreciation life and time of fixed assets and tax time and amount of enterprise income tax。 At the same time, it analyzes the differences between income tax and income tax accounting under the background of the new accelerating depreciation policy of fixed assets。 Finally, the paper puts forward strategies on problems that exist in the new policy。 

Keywords: fixed assets;accelerated depreciation;corporate income tax;influence;strategies

目   录

0 引言 1

1固定资产加速折旧相关问题概述 1

1。1固定资产加速折旧的含义 1

1。2固定资产加速折旧的种类 1

1。2。1缩短折旧年限法 1

1。2。2双倍余额递减法 2

1。2。3年数总和法 2

2固定资产加速折旧新政的内容与意义 2

2。1固定资产加速折旧新政的内容 2

2。1。1明确列举了行业的折旧方法 2

2。1。2加大了固定资产折旧的力度 2

2。1。3提高了固定资产全额扣除的起点 2

2。2完善固定资产加速折旧政策的意义 4

2。2。1加速折旧政策有利于改造升级传统行业 4

2。2。2加速折旧新规有利于更新换代现有设备 4
