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时间:2018-07-30 21:57来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:适度负债  财务杠杆  资产负债率
 Study on the moderate debt of Enterprises-- listing Corporation automobile manufacturing industry as an example
Abstract: The enterprise moderate debt problem has been the focus of researchers and debt management can bring many benefits, and the excessive debt will have an adverse impact. According to the actual situation of the enterprise, it is very important to enact the debt scale and debt structure. Automobile manufacturing industry is our country national economy industry, it can promote economic development, but also for related industries brought great living space for more people to provide a job, further promoting economic development, so the analysis of automobile manufacturing level of debt has important significance.
This paper analyzes the development course and the present situation of China's automobile manufacturing industry listed companies, collect the company 2012-2014 years of annual data, analysis of the debt financing. SPSS software was used to analysis of automobile manufacturing industry listed companies has a moderate range of liability, and according to the automobile manufacturing industry of liabilities, giving some advice.
Key Words:moderate debt, financial leverage, asset liability ratio
目 录
 一、负债经营的概述    .1
(一)适度负债经营的优点 ..1
(二)过度负债经营的风险 ..2
二、影响负债规模的因素.. .  .. 3
(一)外部因素..   3
(二)内部因素. .. .. 4
三、我国汽车制造业上市公司资本结构现状分析. .. . 4
(一)我国汽车制造业的发展过程. .. .  4
(二)行业地位和特点. . .  . .   5
(三)我国汽车制造业2014年发展状况.. .. . .. .6
(四)负债融资情况和负债结构特点 .   ..7
四、基于净资产收益率的实证分析.  .. ..  9
(一)假设和指标选取. . .  . 9
(二)模型的构建和分析. ..  .  .10
五、对汽车制造业上市公司适度负债经营建议. . 13
(一)调整负债结构. .. . .  ..13
(二)拓宽负债筹资渠道.. ..  .  .. 14
(三)建立完善风险防控系统. .. . .  .14
(四)增强自主创新能力………………………. . 15
(五)提高资金利用率. ..  . 15
参考文献. .  . .16 
 一、    负债经营的概述
1. 降低企业综合资本成本率 企业适度负债研究以汽车制造业上市公司为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_20714.html