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时间:2022-08-27 20:54来源:毕业论文
凸模设计为阶梯形,采用凸模和凸模固定板相配合安装固定,既保证凸 模冲压时的稳定性,同时方便加工与安装,在后期维修与更换时更加方便。本模具结构 较简单,属于多工位级进模

摘要本文阐述了阶梯锥形件多工位级进模的模具设计及模具工作过程,通过系统的工艺 计算,对零件的形状、结构、精度、尺寸、材料等方面进行分析,判断能否拉深成形。 阶梯锥形件的难点在于锥形过渡区域的拉深和翻边工序,既要保证翻边后材料壁厚达到 尺寸要求,同时要避免拉深带来的起皱与拉裂现象。通过计算工艺力确定模具总冲裁力 以及模具的压力中心,并选择合适的压力机型号实现冲压。为防止拉深过程中板料的收 缩及位置移动影响拉深稳定性,拉深开始前需要冲裁工艺切口,选择双半月形工艺切口。 模具共设置八道工位,采用冲裁、拉深、翻边等工序完成零件加工。坯料属于窄细长型 条料,选择后导柱滑动导向标准模架结构,便于操作观察,模具选择弹性卸料装置及正 装下出件方式。凸模设计为阶梯形,采用凸模和凸模固定板相配合安装固定,既保证凸 模冲压时的稳定性,同时方便加工与安装,在后期维修与更换时更加方便。本模具结构 较简单,属于多工位级进模,工作平稳,有效提高了生产效率,性能可靠,降低工人劳 动强度和生产成本,解决了阶梯锥形件加工时的难点。83523


Abstract  This paper expounds the ladder taper of multistep progressive die mold design and mold working process。Through the process of calculation system, the shape, structure, accuracy, size, materials of the part has been analyzed to determine whether the part can be achieved by deep drawing 。 Difficulties of stepped conical part is in the drawing and flanging- steps tapered transition region, it is necessary to ensure that the wall thickness of the material after flanging the required size, while avoiding drawing brought wrinkling and crack phenomenon。 By calculating the force of the process to determine the total pressure and the power center of the die punching , and select the appropriate stamping press to prevent shrinkage and movement affect in the drawing process and the stability of drawing sheet, so the die need to start drawing before blanking process incision, choose two half-moon lanced。 Mold have plan to set down eight stations, using punching, deep drawing, flanging and other processes to complete parts processing。 Materia shape belonging narrow elongated strip, sliding guide column selection guide standard mold structure, easy to operate observation, choose a flexible mold unloading device and being installed under a piece manner。 The punches has been designed step, the use of stability punch and punch plate fitted mounting, both to ensure the punch press when, at the same time facilitate the processing and installation, easier maintenance and replacement in post。 The mold structure is relatively simple, is a

multi-position progressive die, smooth, improve production efficiency and reliable performance, reduce labor intensity and production costs, resolve the difficulties stepped conical parts machining。

Keywords: progressive die; drawing; stamping; flanging; tapered par


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 引言 1

1。2 课题研究的目的与意义 1

1。3 模具工业概述 1

1。4 冲压工艺概述 3

1。4.1 冲压的概念特点及应用 3

1。4。2 冲压技术的现状及发展方向 4

1。5 多工位级进模 4

1。5。1 多工位级进模特点 5

1。5。2 多工位级进模现状 阶梯锥形件成形模具设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_98521.html
