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时间:2022-08-21 08:31来源:毕业论文

摘要现在很多材料需要测试其力学性能,拉压试验机也越来越广泛地被 运用在各种材料力学性能的测试上。因此,实验机本身结构也被设计者 所重视。试验机机座是试验机的主体部分,为承受实验过程中各种力和各 种零部件的基础件,也是液压加载系统的承载体,其动态特性在很大程度 上直接影响着整机的性质。除此之外,在试验机进行试验时材料被破坏的 瞬间对实验机整体的影响也是十分值得研究的,所以对实验机进行静态 和瞬态研究,综合考虑试验机系统的动态性能十分重要。本文通过对 20T 电液伺服拉压试验机进行简单的理论分析,通过建立试验机机架的模型 并对其机架进行静态特性和瞬态特性的有限元分析。最后通过实验测量 机架做拉伸实验时应变的大小,并根据公式计算出应力。最后把分析结 果与实验数据进行对比并总结。83319

毕业论文关键词: 静强度分析、瞬态动力学分析、应力、应变

Abstract Many materials need to test their mechanical properties at  present, tensile testing machine is also more widely used in various mechanical properties of the test。 Therefore, the structure of the experimental machine itself has been valued by designers。 The test machine is the main part of the testing machine, to withstand the various forces and various parts of the piece, is hydraulic loading system of bearing the weight of the body, its dynamic characteristics in a large extent directly affects the nature of the whole。 In addition, in the testing machine to test the moments of materials are broken on experimental machine, the overall effect is also very worthy of study, so the machine for static and transient studies, considering the experimental machine system dynamic performance is very important。 In this paper, a simple theoretical analysis of the 20T electro hydraulic    servo

tension and compression testing machine is carried out, the model of the test machine frame is established and the finite element analysis of the static characteristics and the transient characteristics of the machine frame is carried out。 Finally, the size of the strain was measured by the experiment, and the stress was calculated according to the formula。 Finally, the analysis results are compared with the experimental data and summarized。

Keywords: Analysis of static structural, Analysis of transient structural, stress, strain

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 选题的目的和意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

1。3 本课题的主要研究内容 3

第二章 试验机在材料拉伸时冲击振动的理论分析 4

2。1 油缸内的能量转换——单质量自由度的振动系统 4

2。2 材料拉伸试验时破断冲击振动系统 9

第三章 拉压试验机的静强度分析及瞬态分析静态 13

3。1 有限元的基本思想 13

3。2 有限元的运用及其发展趋势 13

3。3 对电液伺服拉压试验机进行静强度分析 13

3。3。1 前处理 14

3。3。2 对模型进行有限元静态分析求解及后处理 19

3。4 对电液伺服拉压试验机进行瞬态特性分析 20

3。4。1 模态分析 20 20T拉压试验机强度及其瞬态特性分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_98144.html
