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时间:2022-07-30 15:27来源:毕业论文

摘要搅拌设备使用的历史已经很悠久了,并且它的应用范围很广泛,比如大量应用于 化工业、石化业、轻工业、医药业、食品业、采矿业、造纸业、冶金业等重要行业中。 搅拌设备可以从各种不同角度进行分类,如按照搅拌装置的安装形式可以简单分为立 式搅拌器和卧式搅拌器,其中卧式主要是指搅拌容器轴线与搅拌器回转轴线都处于水 平位置,本课题就是来研究和设计卧式搅拌器的。

本课题在国内外搅拌器的研究与发展的基础上,对新的带有搅拌和振动排料功能 的卧式搅拌器的结构设计方案借鉴与进行改进。该卧式搅拌器具有两条传动系统:第 一条主传动系统采用 V 带和直齿轮的组合传动来实现搅拌操作,第二条传动系统采用 多楔带、斜齿轮和凸轮的组合传动来实现搅拌容器的振动。82765

本文对卧式搅拌器的基本结构、基本尺寸、带轮、凸轮、齿轮和传动轴进行了 详细设计,并且对全部零件进行了详细的校核,保证了搅拌器的可靠运行。


ABSTRACT Mixing equipment has a long history, and it has a wide range of applications, such as a large number of applications in the chemical, petrochemical, light industry, medicine, food, mining, paper, metallurgy and other industries。 This topic is to research and design of horizontal mixer mixing equipment can be from different angles are classified, such as in accordance with the stirring device installed in the form can be simply pided into vertical and horizontal agitator stirrer。 The horizontal is mainly refers to the mixing vessel axis and the axis of the rotary agitator in a horizontal position。

On the basis of the research and development of the mixer at home and abroad, the structure design of the horizontal mixer with the function of mixing and vibration is studied and improved。 The horizontal mixer with two transmission systems: first main drive system of the V - belt and gear driving to achieve mixing operation, the second transmission system with multi wedge belt, helical gear and cam combination drive to achieve mixing box vibration。

This paper of horizontal agitator of the basic structure, basic dimensions, wheel, cam, gear and the transmission shaft are designed in detail, and detailed examination of all the parts, to ensure the reliable operation of the agitator。

Key words: horizontal mixer; Feed processing; flour processing; food industry


第一章 绪论 1

1。1  课题研究目的和意义 1

1。2  搅拌器国内外发展现状 2

1。2。1 搅拌器机械密封的发展 2

1。2。2 高黏度物料搅拌器和新型搅拌桨叶的发展 4

1。3 卧式搅拌器的发展趋势 5

1。4  论文主要完成的工作 6

第二章 卧式搅拌器的总体方案设计 8

2。1 引言 8

2。2  卧式搅拌器总体结构方案 8

2。2。1  传动方式确定 8

2。2。2  基本尺寸的确定 10

2。3  搅拌器性能指标的设定 10

2。4  本章小结 11

第三章 卧式搅拌器主传动系统的设计 12

3。1  驱动元件的选择与计算 卧式搅拌器结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_97213.html
