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时间:2022-07-06 23:12来源:毕业论文

摘要随着世界经济和科技的迅猛发展,各国纷纷加大对海洋资源,如海洋石油、风能 等的开发力度,起重船作为一种重要的海洋工程的建设设备,也得到飞速的发展。而 今年来,我国海洋工程的施工建造规模快速扩张,对大型海上起重设备,特别是大型 的全回转起重船有着巨大的需求。由于海洋工程的需要,现在起重船日趋大型化,带 来很多技术问题,起重船的稳性变化是其中之一。

本文介绍了起重船的发展现状及平衡工作原理,主要对在进行起吊作业时船舶的 自动平衡的研究。了解船舶吊机作业规范、吊机船舶结构图(包含配重舱位置和空间 尺寸,以及舱口入口尺寸)、船舶自重、船舶重心位置、吊机结构参数和作业参数, 设计计算船舶自动配载系统工作的最大压力,根据相关参数设计液压驱动方案,再进 行平衡方案的设计,最后用 Inventor 软件进行三维建模,创建出整个船舶平衡系统装 置。81989


Abstract With the rapid development of the world economy and technology, many countries have accelerated the exploit of all kinds natural resources , such as offshore oil, wind energy。 As an important marine crane engineering construction equipment, crane ship has also been rapid developed。 And in this year, the scale of China's marine engineering construction of the large-scale offshore lifting equipment gets rapid expansion, especially a huge demand are required in full swing crane 。 Due to the need of marine engineering and now increasingly large crane, it brings a lot of technical problems which the changes of crane stability is one of them。

This article describes the development status and how balance of crane works, mainly on the self-balancing during lifting and research vessels。 Learn crane ship operating specifications, crane ship structure diagram (including counterweight cabin location and space size, and the size of the hatch entrance), the weight of the ship, ship center of gravity position, the crane structure parameters and operating parameters, design and calculation of automatic ship stowage the maximum working pressure of the system, according to the design of the hydraulic drive scheme parameters, then do the design of balance system, and finally create balance system means the whole ship with Inventor software for 3D modeling。

Keywords:   crane ship;hydraulic system;balance System

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 选题的背景及意义 1

1。2 起重船平衡原理 2

1。3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 3

1。3。1 国内研究现状及问题 3

1。3。2  国外发展情况 4

1。4 本文研究的内容和方法 4

1。4。1  研究内容 4

1。4。2  研究方法 4

第二章 平衡系统总体方案设计 6

2。1 机械部分总体方案 6

2。2 液压系统总体方案 7

2。2。1 液压传动及系统组成 7

2。2。2 液压传动的优点及缺点 8

2。2。3 国内外液压工业发展状况 9

2。2。4 液压传动技术工业应用概况 Inventor船舶吊装自动配载平衡装置设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_96080.html
