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时间:2022-06-05 12:46来源:毕业论文

摘要受金融危机的影响,我国船市乃至世界船市都受到了波及,许多船厂因为产能过 剩被淘汰出局。要想在我国船市低迷中寻求生路,就必须要过硬的造船技术、提高工 人的素质、改变船舶订单结构、进行创新产业升级,探索出属于自己的特色造船路线。81339

本文首先介绍了当今船市基本情况,简明介绍了国内外三维技术在船舶生产设计 中的发展与应用,然后叙述了液散货船的分类、特点以及国内外研究现状

本文以 80500DWT 液散货船 B12P/S 分段的生产设计为例,绘制了分段结构图、拼 板图、节点图和吊装图,根据零件编码说明编写了零件编码表,并通过分析确定了吊 环吊码的安装。


Abstract Under the influence of the financial crisis, China’s even the world’s ship industry have been affected, many ship factories because of excess capacity was sifted out。 To  seek a livelihood in the downturn ship industry of the our country, it’s necessary to make shipbuilding technology excellent, improve workers’ quality, change the structure of ship orders, and upgrade the Innovation industry, to explore a special way which belongs to our own shipbuilding line。

First of all, we introduced the basic situation of today's ship industry, gave a brief introduction of the development and application of domestic and foreign 3D technology in ship production design, and then described the classification, characteristics and domestic and foreign research status of the liquid bulk cargo ships。

In this paper, we used an example of the production design of B12P/S subsection of 80500DWT liquid bulk cargo ship。 Drawing it’s sub structure, splicing board diagram, graph nodes and lifting diagram, and writing the code table of parts according to the parts of the code demonstrates, finally, we have determined the rings hanging code installation through the analysis。

keywords:Liquid bulk carriers;Production design;Shipbuilding Technology

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究的背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 研究的目的和意义 4

1。4 本文研究的内容及结构安排 5

第二章 液散货船的概述 6

2。1 液散货船的分类 6

2。2 液散货船的特点 7

2。3 液散货船的发展 8

第三章 80500DWT 液散货船货舱底部 B12P/S 分段生产设计 10

3。1 80500DWT 液散货船概述 10

3。2 B12P/S 货舱底部分段的建造工艺 10

3。2。1 B12P/S 货舱底部分段的建造方法 10

3。2。2 绘制 B12P/S 分段结构图 11

3。2。3 绘制 B12P/S 分段拼板图 12

3。2。4 生成 B12P/S 分段零件名 12

3。2。5 B12P/S 货舱分段装配及船台装配对合线的原则 12

3。2。6 划线及操作步骤 12

3。2。7 精度管理 13

3。2。8 焊接要求 13

3。2。9 分段变形处理和预防 80500DWT液散货船货舱底部B12P/S分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_94991.html
